Table of Contents – Foreign – The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has reached a turning point


As the world looked at America

The war between the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh (Arcah) and Azerbaijan, which was inhabited almost exclusively by Armenians but is officially within the borders of Azerbaijan, has reached a turning point since September 27.

In recent weeks, Azerbaijani forces fighting with Turkish military support have attacked from the southeast, first occupying an area along the southern border of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic with Iran, and then gradually moving north until reaching to the town of Susi, which is only fifteen kilometers away. .

Both parties consider the city to be the key to the region.

The President of the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, Arayik Harutyunyan measures a month earlier, stated:

whoever controls Susi controls all of Karabakh.

At the end of October, when it was already known that the Azerbaijani forces were reaching Susi, he called on the Armenians to persevere and protect the key city in their territory.

The town of Susi is located south of Stepanakert, on a cliff that serves as a natural fortress. Susi was also a turning point in the previous Karabakh war thirty years ago, when it came under Armenian rule.

Armenians are getting tighter

About a week ago, operations in Azerbaijan reached the Lachini Corridor, the only built highway connecting the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia. On this route, Armenia can support Karabakh, other developed routes are not suitable for military and cargo vehicles. This makes it difficult for Armenian aid to reach the disputed region, and civilians fleeing Karabakh can only reach Armenia in life-threatening conditions. According to reports

More than half of the ARMY population of MORE THAN 150 THOUSAND in the region have fled as a result of the Azerbaijani attacks.

The Armenians hope that the cold and rainy weather of November will arrive soon, so that the Azerbaijani army drones manufactured in Turkey and Israel cannot ensure an air superiority that will contribute significantly to the success of the Azerbaijani force.

It also gives hope to Susi’s defenders if the city has not yet fallen.

Azerbaijan is reportedly already celebrating, knowing that the city also needs to “liberate” the northern areas of Nagorno-Karabakh.

One hundred dollars for an Armenian head

Thanks to Turkey, mercenaries from Libya and Syria are also fighting alongside Azerbaijani forces. Syrian militants, whom the French president described as jihadists. Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had previously estimated the number of mercenaries in the Nagorno-Karabakh struggle to be around 2,000. The Syrian Center for Human Rights in Syria (OSDH) reports that their number has steadily increased, with more and more people arriving in Azerbaijan. More than two hundred members of the Sunni Islamic mercenary army, numbering at least 2,000,580, were reportedly killed in the fighting, and another 300 had returned home because they were unfamiliar with the terrain and did not want the majority to be on the side. of Azeri Shiite soldiers. fight.

A mercenary captured by Armenian troops spoke in a video about receiving $ 2,000 a month and an additional $ 100 reward for each Armenian beheaded.

Desperate and metallic resistance

Opposing parties accuse each other of attacks against civilian targets. Numerous reports confirm that Armenian forces fired beyond the line separating the region from Azerbaijan, and the bombing also claimed Azerbaijani civilian casualties. However, the Azerbaijani army did not hold back either, according to the Armenian Defense Ministry, hospitals and civilian facilities were attacked. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michele Bachelet, drew attention to the fact that the Azerbaijani party may have committed war crimes. The video of two civilians allegedly executed by Azerbaijani soldiers has already reached the World Wide Web.

Armenian diasporas around the world have launched a global campaign to address the humanitarian crisis caused by the war and support civilians who lost their homes or were injured in the bombings, along with several celebrities of Armenian descent. Among others, Kim Kardashian donated $ 1 million to the All Armenian Fund, and Serj Tankian, the frontman of System Of A Down, encouraged struggling Armenians in a song in addition to his political activism.

Azeris also made some music since the outbreak of war, a metal band inspired the army. A video clip was made about this, showing that the combat song was conceived in cooperation with the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan.

However, the System of a Down (of which all members are of Armenian descent) could not leave the Nagorno-Karabakh struggles without a word, and after fifteen years they came together to secure their support for their homeland.

In addition to monetary donations, to keep the Armenian economy alive, an online campaign called #BuyArmenianProducts was launched, spreading the word # buy a Hungarian product on Facebook.

Why didn’t the Azeris launch such an international campaign? Probably because Turkey supports them and they are winning. And with the alleged occupation of Susi, the Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh may cease to exist.
