Table of Contents – Foreign – Protests, chaos, Biden at the gates of the White House


We have the first winner of the US presidential election: the lawyers.

While Joe Biden is said to be on the verge of victory (although he still can’t get in), President Donald Trump’s campaign team in several key states, including Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia, is keeping an eye on the vote count. and then the preliminary result. This can take days or even reach the Supreme Court. And who has more “friends” on the Supreme Court? Trumpnak. One of the key questions is: what about the postal votes received since Tuesday?

Fox News, no less hostile to Trump, early Thursday morning Hungarian time, already shows Biden’s 264: 214 superiority in electoral votes. According to this, the Democratic Challenger of the Presidency would be separated from the magical 270, the victory, by only six votes.

These are, of course, unofficial results: the American media is projecting, it is likely. Fox is in a hurry: Biden has withdrawn Arizona as well as Michigan and Wisconsin. On the more liberal CNN, Biden has only grossed 253: They hang Arizona.

A bolder tally according to Fox means Trump will also have to win in Nevada, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia if he doesn’t want to leave the White House in January. He’s doing relatively well in all four spots, but four out of four hits would be a feat.

The situation is also expected to remain plastic on Thursday, we will write about the details in the minute-by-minute coverage of the Index, which started Tuesday, and this can still be followed here.

What do we know now?

  • There are several important places to wait for letter ballots if they have been sealed by Election Day November 3. However, the question is how long will these places be important? In either case, the interviewers can (again) start a self-examination. Trump’s outcome is much better than anticipated.
  • Biden has already surpassed all previous presidential candidates by about 72 million votes. Turnout was high, and of course the population of the United States is constantly growing, with more and more potential voters every four years. But at 68 million, Trump also outperformed 2016.
  • At the moment, the balance of power in the Senate and House of Representatives has not changed. The upper house of the new congress, to be established in January, is also expected to be dominated by Republicans and the lower house by Democrats. This will later be important, and even possible, for the presidential election.

What do we not know yet?

  • Most importantly, of course: who will be sworn in on January 20 as the 46th president of the United States?
  • We don’t even know exactly when we’ll know. The result is tight and neither side seems to throw in the towel. In the extreme case, a 269: 269 tie can form in the electoral body, and even so-called infidel voters other than their fixed term can interfere with the picture. The board will meet in mid-December. In the event of a tie, the House of Representatives will decide on the President.
  • How will the losing party, and especially the radical part of its supporters, receive the result? It cannot be ruled out that a man in the street takes a gun. American expert Tamás Magyarics, for example, spoke on Wednesday about the fact that American society has never been so divided. The relationship between the two camps is so tense that it can even lead to violence should one or the other candidate win.
