Table of Contents – Domestic – You mixed a sedative in your little girl’s peach juice, only to get her to the hospital


The Bács-Kiskun County Prosecutor’s Office indicted a woman in Kecskemét for the crime of life-threatening bodily injury.

According to the indictment, the woman raising five minor children called Kecskemét hospital several times on March 20, 2020 to say that her three-year-old daughter had a fever at home, which is why she would like to seek hospital care. Due to the epidemiological situation, the doctors recommended that the boy be relieved of the fever at home and that he speak with his GP, but the accused was adamant.

He could not bear the cries of his son, he abused the little one until he broke his hand.

Ambulances transferred the accused and the victim to the pediatric ward of the hospital. During the treatment, the doctor on duty examined the little girl, who had no fever and was in good condition.

The defendant, however, repeatedly said that the boy had collapsed at home three times, so he would definitely like to stay with him in the hospital. Without calling, he returned to the treatment room with the boy and doused the asymptomatic girl with water, then increasingly aggressively demanded to keep him in hospital. He also said that he would do anything not to be sent home. The defendant then mixed 8-9 eyes of the sedative he had with the peach juice from the girl’s bottle to produce symptoms of discomfort in the victim and allow him to remain in the hospital.

The boy soon drank from the bottle too and became ill, losing consciousness. Doctors suspected poisoning due to the history and immediately began intensive care for the girl. Fortunately, the boy regained consciousness after half an hour of treatment. The hospital notified the police and child protection of the poisoning, and the police who arrived at the scene also seized the defendant’s sedative.

He was also selectively terrorized and abused by his seven-year-old son and his wife by the father, who has now been charged.

The girl was in a life-threatening condition at the beginning of her care. If he had not received professional medical help in time, it is likely that he would have drowned.

The Attorney General’s Office has charged the defendant in custody with life-threatening bodily injury and has proposed to be sentenced to prison and disqualified from public affairs.
