Table of Contents – Domestic – A Period of Total Confusion: Autumn’s Breakthrough Through Parents’ Eyes


This year, in most Hungarian schools, after the last day of school on Thursday, the fall break starts on Friday, October 23, and the next time students go to school on Monday, November 2. Therefore, with the exception of the national holiday on Friday, parents have to spend a full week at home with their children this time.

The trick isn’t easy anyway, especially now that the coronavirus has overturned the entire annual dance calendar in the spring – during spring institutional closures and the transition to digital curricula.

many parents were forced to take their full annual vacation,

and playing home tutoring in addition to working from home and regular parenting responsibilities.

At the moment, we can only conclude from data from the CSO last year, which is also the most recent in this field, exactly how many families had to adapt to the extraordinary circumstances of the epidemic situation.

In 2019, there were around 330,000 preschool children, 723,000 primary school students, and 496.5,000 high school students in the country, supplemented by 2,500 children with severe disabilities and accumulated special education.

Exceptional situation, equestrian camp and three hours of football a day

Fortunately, we can both work from home during the fall break, and the agreement is to always take care of the child who has less snow. Like the first wave, we now take care of grandparents, so we leave them out of the story.

she told Emese, the mother of a little girl coming down the stairs at elementary school, that she was very relieved that her son would already be busy alone at this age, freeing her from her husband, she told Index.

Working as a graphic artist and book illustrator, Panni, mother of a four-year-old boy and a ten-year-old boy, plans for the fall holidays to go to work from morning to noon: then the children play with each other under her supervision. In the afternoon, however, the joint program arrives, they do short walks, such as mushroom picking, and then mom’s nightly inversion also starts to work.

While my dad also works with ears from home to the end, I plan in my head as I run a home and raise the kids. Then I ride between the kids and my plane, or mix up the idiot for two rescues

Panni shares her tricks. Rural grandparents now don’t want to be a burden to them either, especially their still working parents. And with a babysitter, there would already be too many people in the apartment.

Dezső, he says, captures all the mental energy of his retired parents by watching the series “Elder Scottish Aunt Steps in,” so his student enrolled in a sheltered equestrian camp over the fall break.

While the mosaic families surveyed mostly reported a “shared” solution: separated parents cut the week in half, so they only have to solve two or three days per person.

As an entrepreneur, I know exactly how privileged I am to be able to structure my time and tasks by spending time with the boys during the fall break: walking a dog, watching a game, playing soccer for three hours a day in the garden.

he betrayed Álmos, who, as a single father with two young children, also shares his children with his mother during recess.

Now can grandparents take care of children?

According to the teachings of Cecília Müller, during the autumn holidays, the grandparents can take care of the child only if both they and the grandchildren are healthy, none of them have symptoms. If you have a cough, fever or fever, they should be isolated immediately, advises the medical director.

Who are left completely alone during the break

It’s a good question who and what the less fortunate can expect during this fall break, who, for example, are not getting help from the other parent, grandparents, or the flexible workplace.

The breaks are a serious challenge for most families from the beginning, and we have not talked about single parent families yet, especially in a situation plagued by the current epidemic. I see that this is now a period of complete confusion for many of them as to where to put the child for a week.

points out Anna the Great, Head of the Single Parent Center.

The institution operated by the Single Parents Club Foundation, which opened its doors in spring 2018 and has been partially supported by the government since then, has camped 700 children living in single-parent families for seven weeks in Budapest, Veszprém and Kecskemét .

After the already exhausted license framework, we announced in the same way for the autumn break that parents can bring their children to the Single-parent Center in the capital before the start of the work day and take care of them until the end, provide them with four meals and take them to playgrounds, excursions, programs, activities. they

Anna Nagy told the Index.

Although he adds, he does not know that anyone, apart from his community of 12 rural and Transylvanian clubs, apart from the center of Budapest, would help and support single-parent families in solving childcare in a similarly organized way, which makes it a much more fun and meaningful activity. Provide children with traditional school attendance that remains a last resort.

Zoltán Maruzsa would lock the children between four walls for the autumn holidays

Fall break in schools, which begins Friday, could also be a good way to break the chains of coronavirus infection, the secretary of state for Public Education said.

Cover image: MTI
