The president’s frustration and despair erupted into a self-threatening depression. Realizing that time was slowly running out, he instructed his staff to map out the other political options available to him. He wasn’t particularly religious, but as he fell on the slowly receding White House, he knelt, clasped his hands, and began to pray out loud. Meanwhile, he wiped away his tears and struck the Persian carpet with his fist. “What have I done? What did I do wrong?” Still in the afternoon, the president told his chief of staff that the defense secretary would make his job easier by putting a pistol in his desk drawer. After that, the chief of staff quickly instructed the White House doctor to hide all the sleeping pills and sedatives immediately so the president wouldn’t do anything stupid.
The previous lines, published in The New Yorker magazine, were not broadcast, what was described actually happened. But the White House chief of staff was not named Mark R. Meadows, but Bob Haldeman, the date is August 8, 1974, not November 21, 2020, President Richard Nixon and not Donald trumpand the quote Bob woodward Y Carl Bernstein, from The Washington Post’s book of legendary reporters, The Final Days (Nixon’s End Days).
Nixon: It was no accident Complicated dicky the nickname – a the watergate scandal impeachment, the possibility of constitutional litigation, so much so that, after his resignation, 29 of his John mitchell the Minister of Justice also had to go to jail. However, Nixon himself memorably avoided prosecution because his successor, Gerald ford presidential grace.
However, until now, no president of the United States has been overcome by criminal prosecution. However, Trump and his immediate collaborators know exactly: if their boss loses the presidential election, which has already happened on merits, they simply have not announced a final result, then the protection of presidential immunity will immediately dissipate. However, there are still more than a dozen investigations and civil lawsuits pending against him, and Trump faces a far uglier end than his infamous predecessor forty-six years ago.
By this time, Nixon had spoken several times, in the ears of others, that he thought he could already hear the prison door slamming. Those hallucinations are also likely to haunt Trump.
But the president has always come out of depression by his fantastic instincts and luck thus far.
In the 74 years of his life to date, he has survived a constitutional lawsuit, two divorces, six bankruptcies, twenty-six ordinary cases of sexual harassment and violence, and approximately four thousand lawsuits against him for various reasons.
There are few people on Earth who would have been more adept at maneuvering through the mazes of paragraphs. Yet now that January 6 draws near as Congress adds electoral votes and announces the new president and then inaugurates the first man in the United States on January 20, Trump is increasingly clinging to his version. separate entry that the election was rigged. .
His proverbial fortune seems to leave the great survivor one day.
Let’s look at the dangers lurking Trump article by article, of course, if Joe biden he will officially become the 46th president of the United States.
Cyrus Vance Jr., the Manhattan District Attorney, son of the late Secretary of State Jimmy Carter, and Letitia jamesThe New York Attorney General is conducting a criminal investigation into his business activities, even before his election as president, that is, since before November 2016. If Trump is convicted in these cases, it does not matter how much he gives to Biden the presidential pardon to his predecessor, can not be acquitted.
This is true only of what happened during the presidency, according to the constitution.
Trump’s legal fees, attorney’s fees will be horrible. (When Bill Clinton left the White House in 2001, his legal costs ran into the tens of millions of dollars, and Clinton’s affairs dwarfed Trump’s.)
But on top of that, over the next four years, as The New York Times wrote, Trump will have to repay around $ 400 million in personally guaranteed loans to creditors like Deutsche Bank. And the Financial Times writes that Trump’s real estate investment debts – that is, the payment obligations that arise – will amount to $ 900 million over the next four years. Meanwhile, Trump is at war with the US tax office because he wants to achieve a tax cut worth hundreds of millions of dollars. If you fail in the fight, you will have to pay for that too.
Reduce wealth
Forbes business magazine estimates Trump’s assets at $ 2.5 billion, which is largely embedded in real estate. However, the value of these properties began to plummet as a result of the coronavirus epidemic, at least according to The Washington Post, which can hardly be blamed for the impartiality of the president. Timothy Snyder, a history professor at Yale University, went so far as to put it in a statement:
For now, it is the presidential office that protects Trump from prison and asylum.
Although it may be an exaggeration to mention a poor house, the situation of Trump, which has been going through the last weeks and days of his presidency, is not exactly rosy.
A foreign formation?
But legal and financial concerns aside, Trump would not have been humanly capable of giving up life in the White House for the past four years. Around this time last year, the president declared to a confidant that he could no longer go back to his old routine and go back to work as a real estate developer. When that was said, Trump’s caravan drove right through the line of cheering crowd.
Is not it wonderful?
He turned to his chief of staff. After that, dealing with real estate again would be so boring … “
Many say that Trump’s tragedy, paradoxically, is precisely that he is too democratic, not autocratic enough. Typically, tyrants ruin the system so much that they can no longer prevent its removal. Trump had taken only small steps forward on this path, the true tyrants would have already destroyed democracy by the time they stayed where Trump was now. American democracy is still strong enough, in other words, the immune system of society, to drive out such a strange formation as the 45th president of the United States.
Still others ponder that when the moment of truth arrives in December and the electorate casts their votes, how great will Biden’s superiority be?
Nowadays 306: 232 the job is in Joe Biden’s favor, much like Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016. And the proportion of votes cast 79 million: 73 million Around Biden’s favor, the difference is nearly six million votes.
However, Trump will not give up. Michael Cohen, the president’s former attorney asserts firmly:
He also won’t admit defeat if heck eats hell. Never!
By the way, Cohen is so confident that his former client will lose lawsuits questioning the regularity of elections that he even raised tens of thousands of dollars at a sportsbook.
He will blame everyone but himself. He will scream, threaten, whine, say that millions of votes have been stolen from him, that the dead have voted for Biden and people who have not yet been born. He will constantly lie and keep the loyal millions on constant alert. We all wish that those of us who have ever stood by, or still have, finally shut up! But I know you won’t …
Returning to the lawsuits, it is not easy to imagine a former president of the United States behind bars, but also during community service, for which former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, for example, was convicted after being convicted of tax fraud.
You can have mercy on yourself
For the same reason, it will not be easy to convict Trump, lawyers interviewed said that it would be difficult to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the president knew about anarchy. Anna milgramThe former New Jersey attorney general believes that Biden will not enforce Trump’s sentence, mainly because he would refute the strong statement that he wants to be all American presidents, including the more than 70 million compatriots who vote for his opponent. And second, a harsh sentence, possibly prison, would once again spice up the pro-Trump masses and even create an atmosphere of civil war.
Biden, however, is so reluctant to do anything as to be the second American president after Abraham Lincoln, in whose name a civil war can be linked.
However, there is also a particular aspect to the possible Trump litigation.
As long as Trump is president, and officially he is, he can pardon anyone in a federal crime. And now comes the good: even yourself …
Yet when the same solution emerged in the Watergate case 46 years ago, Nixon, a lawyer who had studied his profession, decided that it would be extremely embarrassing for him to be a self-relieving pardon, and he refrained from doing so. (Ford did this instead). However, there is a loophole. If the president is declared temporarily incapacitated or unfit to perform his functions, his vice president will take his place and can now grant Trump clemency.
There could be another outcome for Trump’s soap opera, provided the president legally loses this year’s election. It happened in 2016, when the polls were already closed, but the result was not yet known. The entire Trump camp, led by the boss, was convinced that Hillary Clinton had won. Anthony Scaramucci – then briefly the White House communications director himself told the author of The New Yorker article cited here, Jane mayernekthat during those hours Trump asked him what he was doing the next day.
They would have gone to play golf
Scaramucci replied that he did not know.
Just because my private jet is ready at John F. Kennedy airport and tomorrow we are going to play golf in Scotland, Turnberry, on my property.
But then the plane didn’t take off because Trump won.
So it is in the deck that Trump will leave the country in the face of defeat. Whether for a loving golf party or forever. Although the latter is highly unlikely because news has leaked from the president’s inner circles that he will re-nominate himself in 2024 if he is defeated. He would be 78 years old …
Returning to finances: the source of income of every American president is to give speeches, conferences and publish his memoirs. When Ronald reagan his second presidential term expired in 1989, he was invited to Japan for a conference. For two million dollars … (at the time!) And the Clintons received an initial payment of 36.5 million dollars for their memoirs. Barack and Michelle Obama $ 65 million for worldwide distribution rights.
Trump would get a chance to do that too, despite not being a book man, but with the help of assistant ghostwriters, he has written eleven books as an author so far.
A blockbuster would be sure. In the eyes of tens of millions of Americans, Donald Trump, whatever the future holds, remains a hero. someone whose words are curious.
(Cover image of Donald Trump in 2018. Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images)