Szijjártó wrote a letter from friends to his Belarusian colleague


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

I’m interested

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Péter Szijjártó, wrote to Vladimir Makej, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus, announced the Hungarian diplomacy. Police brutality or fraudulent presidential elections are not the problem.

But Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, a Catholic archbishop of Minsk who was not allowed to return to his homeland from Poland on August 31. Alexander Lukashenko accused the Catholic Church this week of supporting the opposition in anti-government protests. He said that Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, who was returning from Poland, was not allowed to enter the country because he thought the church leader would have returned from there with a “specific mission.” Kondrusiewicz of the Byalists in Poland told Spanish news agency EFE by phone that he had traveled to Poland for a mass and had not met with leaders there.

Szijjártó writes to his Belarusian colleague that “in view of our friendship, I feel that I can write a letter to my colleague Chancellor with a calm heart, especially if it is not sadness but protection and the importance of Christian values ​​that the world needs. now more than ever”. …) We have also known each other for a long time with Father Tadeusz, I am pleased to say that we have a good relationship and we still have one last lively conversation with me at the Church of St. Simon and St. Ilona in Minsk, so do not hesitate to come to my Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus. asking him to consider the possibility of returning the Archbishop of Minsk to the country. “

The Hungarian Foreign Minister reminded his Belarusian counterpart that Hungary was interested in maintaining good relations with Belarus in the political, economic, cultural and even religious fields, and said: through his personal acquaintance with the Archbishop, he was firmly convinced that Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz sincerely sought a peaceful solution. , without ulterior political motives.

In Belarus, protests have continued since the August 9 presidential elections, with protesters demanding the removal of President Alexander Lukashenko on charges of election fraud. The Catholic Church defended the protesters, but other denominations also called for non-violence and national dialogue. About 10 to 15 percent of the 9.5 million Belarusians are Catholic. An important part of them, like the archbishop, belong to the Polish minority. Most Christians are believers in the Orthodox Church.

(Based on MTI)

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