SZFE employees are declaring a strike


On Thursday afternoon, the students held a press conference that occupied the University of Theater and Film on September 1. The students thus protest against the forced change of model of the institution and the new board of trustees, which did not include any candidate from the university.

At the press conference it was said that after the students had not received any inquiries from the government about their demands in the last ten days, they wrote a letter. László Palkovics Minister of Innovation and Technology. This includes, among other things, the Minister’s call to the SZFE board of directors to resign.

The patronage appointed by the minister is not accepted by the university community, its activities are considered illegitimate. The public undertakes to continue with their artistic training, the guarantee of which lies in the level of protection of university autonomy declared in the Basic Law and prepared by the practice of the Constitutional Court.

The students add in their letter that until the resignation of the Board, their fundamental educational rights expressed in specific measures of maintenance of university autonomy, the lack of procedural dialogue and the lack of procedural preparation time, conditions to start education.

The audience asks and demands

  • guarantee educational and organizational autonomy
  • Unaltered restoration of the powers of the Senate.
  • the integrity of the guarantees that previously protected the autonomy of the university.

It was also pointed out at the press conference that the SZFE employees presented their strike demands to the government on Wednesday as a demand for university autonomy, in which they write that the statute and the SZMSZ imposed on them by the new maintainer of the foundation violate the autonomy of the university to such an extent that “brave students” occupied the university in protest.

Complaints from SZFE employees:

  • guarantee freedom of creation, education and university
  • restore the powers of the Senate before the change of model
  • The internal functioning of the university can be determined by the university community through a democratic and self-determined way, through the Senate.
  • the rector, department head and department head of the university can be democratically elected by the university community, through the representation of the senate
  • Guarantee that the financial resources of the university will not be reduced.

A strike committee made up of the following members is delegated to negotiations with the government:

  • Csata Kató, instructor teacher
  • Péter Forgács, Associate professor
  • György Karsai, university professor, director of the Doctoral School
  • Gábor Németh, Associate professor
  • Judit Veszprém, head of communications.

SZFE employees close their letter saying that if the trial does not succeed, they will go on strike indefinitely as of September 21 at the latest, to which eighty-five have already joined.

Besides SZFE, several universities, Hungarian lawyers and law students, but also foreign celebrities, such as Salman rushdie, Helen mirren, Cate blanchett, Eddie redmayne, Philip Pullman, Peter brook, Stephen Frears, Pawel Pawlikowski and Green eva it is.

Meanwhile, more and more teachers are standing at SZFE, among others Réka Pelsőczy, Tamás Ascher, Ildiko Enyedi, János Meczner and Géza M. Tóth it is. The wave of layoffs began after László Upor, the acting rector as rector, announced his resignation last Monday. The decision was based on the fact that the new founding document deprived the university leadership and the Senate of all powers.

In addition to Upor, he resigned with effect from September 1

  • Eszter Novák Deputy Director of Education,
  • Gábor Németh advisor to the rector,
  • László Bagossy, the Institute of Theater Arts,
  • Gábor Balázs, Head of the Institute of Cinema and Media,
  • and all elected members of the Senate

Since then, there has been a lifeguard and a rally, with various supporters at home and abroad, Attila Vidnyánszky in turn, he spoke of an international conspiracy and a departure from new ideas.

Featured Image: Norbert Farkas /
