Szeged’s hand would not have thought the coronavirus would knock down a 130-pound man in one day


Bánhidi I think, The MOL-Pick national handball player Szeged has stated that he does not yet know when he can return to the field, as he is battling a coronavirus infection.

I produced a positive test on Monday and unfortunately I am not asymptomatic but symptomatic positive

– has also been selected to join the dream team of the January European Championship and the previous season of the Champions League.

He added that he never would have thought that this virus could bring down a 130-pound man in one day. “Still nothing was wrong with me on Sunday, but by Monday afternoon I was already struggling with weakness, headaches and cough, I had a fever at night and all that has not changed in recent days. As of today, I don’t feel any taste, ”explained Bánhidi the symptoms.

He remarked that he hopes to overcome the disease as soon as possible and return to the field, but he still does not see when this could happen, since the virus could have complications on the one hand, and after producing two negative tests, he would still have many tests.

An athlete who returns too soon after a coronavirus can play with his life

More and more clubs are putting themselves in a difficult position due to coronavirus athletes. The National Institute of Sports Health has issued a recommendation that players who test positive should skip 4-6 weeks before resuming training. Added to this is the team’s season, but meanwhile the cardiac complications and the example of Bendóz Tóth, who died at 22 during training, serve as a warning to everyone.

Bánhidi recalled that they could have a successful preparation behind them, and the group round of the Champions League would have started for them on Thursday.

MOL-Pick Szeged announced on Monday that five of its players had been infected with the corona virus. No names were given, and Bánhidi was the first to confirm that he, too, was among the sick. BL de Szeged’s first game, a home game against Paris Saint-Germain, and the league game against Eger scheduled for Saturday have been postponed, although the French daily L’Équipe knows that the game against PSG is still can be played on Sunday.

Featured image: Jonathan NACKSTRAND / AFP
