Szabolcs Hajdu: this system is falling apart


“The government is already very weak. It has no intellectual base, Orbán has expelled all the intellectuals from their circles, only the blind believers have been left,” explained film director Szabolcs Hajdu in an interview with the cultural section of the Slovak newspaper Sme . Hajdú was asked about the situation at the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts (SZFE), the new board of trustees, the new rector with the degree of mechanized shooter and the university appointment.

Szabolcs Hajdu on the filming of the Bibliotheque Pascal.Photo: Lenke Szilágyi / Wikimedia Commons

According to Hajdu, the Orbán government “offers nothing but aggression”, that is, the objective is simple destruction. “[E]in particular, they lack competition on all fronts. Orbán does not take into account the development of society and does not offer him anything. Socialism was built on at least some ideological foundation, but Orbán didn’t even have it. It is no longer a question of the left or the right, it is a pure mafia of the ruling power ”, he answered the question of whether what is happening now resembles a communist dictatorship.

Why do people still vote for it? According to Hajdu, because he has been able to thematize public discourse since the regime change. “He has developed ingenious solutions to win and retain power. He has also managed to transform the electoral system so that the opponent only has a chance to win if everyone joins everyone,” he said.

However, he was also discouraged by the situation at the SZFE. He finds it great that SZFE students are also supported by world stars and the civilian population, but says “this is not enough today.” “Now it would be necessary for the events to take place in other schools as well as on other fronts,” he said. But he thinks “[m]The price of this thirty-day resistance is also a great thing. The struggle for that freedom has not been with us since 1989, and before only in 1956. “And since the government” cannot crush us, “it takes it as a sign of the disintegration of the system.” but I can’t imagine how. We also try to think with our heads, and just as they don’t see a solution, we don’t see either, ”he said.

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