Sweden has lost control of its own territory


Fires, murders, clashes, rubber burns – all this cannot be read in the daily news of a third world country, but in the Swedish daily news. In the Scandinavian state, the number of crimes has increased significantly since the migration crisis of 2015, with certain neighborhoods simply no longer able to be controlled by the police, while official politics still does not dare to face serious problems.

The trend of violence in the country is increasingly dangerous – this call was issued by the Swedish police on August 29. Police discovered that criminal gangs had risen to unprecedented levels, killing and injuring more people. Two people have been killed in Stockholm in recent weeks. In Gothenburg, criminal gangs blocked traffic for a quarter. It also happened in Gothenburg that a 12-year-old girl was the victim of a clash between gangs.

Hundreds of car tires were burned in Malmö at the end of AugustSource: AFP / –

The police are extremely overwhelmed

Andrés Thornberg, head of the national police, said that the police are in a very difficult position, since in many cases the criminals are already ahead of them. He stated that with the available means they would continue to fight organized crime, but that successful action would also require the help of local governments, since if they did more to solve the problems of local society, crime would also decrease. According to Thornberg, the police are extremely overwhelmed and see the efficiency of this work as a detriment.

Crimes in Sweden have become increasingly cruel in recent months. In many cases, it is not a crime to rob someone of value, but to humiliate the victims as much as possible and deal with them in the most horrible torment. In Stockholm, two young men were raped, tortured and later buried alive. And in Gothenburg, people were forced to kiss the feet of one of the gang’s leaders as they filmed the whole thing, and then they trampled on the victims’ faces until they lost consciousness.

They are slowly losing the whole country

Sweden constantly loses control of its own territory – Ivar Arpi, Swedish publicist, has already talked about this. to the Danish newspaper Berlingske Tidende. These horrible crimes are related to the so-called ghetto culture. Journalists don’t want to write about it, politicians don’t want to talk about it, while researchers don’t want to do any research on it. There is a systematic silence, he added.

The Rosengard district of Malmö is inhabited almost exclusively by immigrantsSource: AFP / –

Hundreds of car tires were burned in Malmö on August 28 and collided with the police. The incident occurred near Rosengard. Malmö is inhabited almost entirely by immigrants. The protesters attacked the authorities with exclamations of Allah Akbar and also shouted anti-Semitic slogans. By the way, this was not the first time such incidents had occurred in Malmö, and anti-Semitic attacks were becoming more frequent. The fighting in Malmö was sparked by the burning of a Koran by Rasmus Paludan, the leader of an anti-Islamic Danish party.

The teacher was kidnapped and beaten.

It was also a big shock in Sweden that In the Angered district of Gothenburg, a local criminal organization practically blocked the area. Only those who were controlled by criminals were allowed entry at the points of entry. The blockade was established by a “family” who had already dealt with the police 200 times so far, but were never convicted, as witnesses withdrew their previous confessions as a result of threats. Like Angered Rosengard, it is also an immigrant neighborhood. It also happened in Gothenburg that armed men roamed one of the schools during teaching time. One of the teachers notified the police and then the gunmen disappeared. The professor in question was subsequently kidnapped and beaten.

By the way, increasingly dire public conditions have reached the level of national politics. Ulf Kristersson, leader of the largest opposition party, the Moderate Party, suggested that membership in the criminal organization should also be punished by the authorities. According to the leader of the opposition party the police need to have much broader powers to take effective action against the growing crime that threatens everyday life.

Sharpening of anti-Christianity

Increasingly, extreme criminals have to do with it Christian buildings have already been attacked. The Västra Skrävlinge church in Malmö has recently suffered several damages. Windows and statues were broken, including the statue of Jesus. The perpetrators are unknown, but Swedish Democrats in Malmö have asked the Swedish Church to look into the matter in more detail, adding: Considering the damage to the Västra Skrävlinge church that we have seen and the systematic damage that we are experiencing in our cemeteries, this is an area against which the Swedish Church must take action. Sweden cannot be passive as long as the Christian cultural heritage is affected by such attacks. – the statement closed.

Support for Socdems has dropped significantly since the last elections. The opposition grows stronger

Increasingly extreme crime has also reorganized support for parties in Sweden. If there were elections today then currently ruling left-wing parties would win 43.2 percent of seats, while right-wing opposition parties would win 47.9 percent. The Liberals and Greens, who now form the left-wing ruling coalition, are currently below the 4 percent entry threshold, significantly worsening the chances of a resurgence of the Socdems.

Sweden is expected to hold parliamentary elections in two years.
