Sunday Clock Change: Daylight Saving Time Begins


When exactly does the clock reset?

Officially, summer time begins on the last Sunday in March and lasts until the last Sunday in October, while winter time begins on the last Sunday in October and ends on the last Sunday in March. This year, in practice, this meant that:

  1. Summer time begins on March 28, 2021, this Sunday must be reset at 2:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m.
  2. The start of winter time falls on October 31, 2021, which means that the time must be reset to 2:00 am this Sunday at 3:00 am

History of the clock change

The whole story dates back to the 18th century, but it really only gained traction during WWI, we wrote in our previous article. The idea was that by changing the clock, it might be possible to save on carbon consumption. At least that was what the British, French and Germans hoped for, believing that it could also help their war goals. Later, there were arguments that the clock change could increase store turnover and reduce crime when choosing lighting conditions. The thing sounds good today, as we can save energy and even see other beneficial effects. But, of course, the story is not that simple at all, and the arguments for it have been accompanied by more and more counterarguments in recent years.

It has been decided to cancel the clock change – There is a slip due to the epidemic

Recent research has highlighted that setting watches can certainly have detrimental effects and, not coincidentally, a significant proportion of people hate it just the way it is. Presumably EU politicians could have really been convinced by the latter, as when they surveyed EU public opinion, it immediately became clear that roughly 84 percent of citizens would abolish it all.

In March 2019, the European Parliament finally decided to abolish the clock change. It also considered that EU Member States wishing to measure summer time could last change to summer time on the last Sunday in March 2021. The last change to winter time for countries that choose winter time may take place on the last Sunday of October 2021.

The European Parliament has asked the Member States and the Commission to consult each other so that the functioning of the single market is not compromised by the fact that some countries opt for winter time and others for summer time. In the last two years, however, there has been a lot of silence on the subject. According to the Ministry of Innovation and Technology:


The various bodies of the European Union and the Member States have been and are busy solving the problems that have arisen.

The Hungarian government has spoken: they will vote together with the majority

The only question is whether, by abolishing the time change, it would be worth it to finally switch to summer time or winter time. Gergely Gulyás said a few days ago that the issue is above the Hungarian government, since a decision from the European Union is needed on the matter. The Minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office also added that

Hungary has opened the possibility of voting with the majority on the question of the time change, that is, it will not oppose the introduction of winter or summer time.

Clock change benefits

According to an evaluation previously published by the Hungarian Sleep Association, the decision to abolish the clock change twice a year in the European Union is a positive development from the point of view of sleep health. This is because the artificial (institutional) alteration of the natural rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, the circadian rhythm, which has developed over millions of years, has the consequences of a phase change that has a negative effect on the human body. .

During the period of adaptation to the phase change, well-being may be affected, performance levels may be lower, concentration, tolerance may decrease, and sleeping and sleeping difficulties may occur, although living organisms will sooner or later adapt to changing conditions.

About changing schedules, sleeping during an emergency

Previously, in connection with the clock change, the Hungarian Sleep Association also drew attention to the fact that the daily rhythm of life and night rest are of the utmost importance, and sleep plays an important role in maintaining the body’s resilience. The rhythm of adaptation to day and night changes should not be interrupted even in an emergency.

Nighttime rest is essential for the body. Even during a continuous presence at home, let’s bring a system to our sleeping habits, lie down and get up at the same time. They advised me to exercise regularly, but by no means before going to bed. Four hours before, do not drink caffeinated beverages and do not eat heavy, spicy or sugary foods, do not consume excessive amounts of alcohol and do not smoke. It is also important to pay attention to the dream of our colleagues.

Cover Image Source: Schellhorn / ullstein bild via Getty Images
