Suicidal bodyguards, a country that is becoming an epidemic center: the president stutters


Russia seems to become one of the focal points of the coronavirus epidemic in the world: the first weekend in May, there was a day when tens of thousands of new infections were recorded. Meanwhile, there have been reports of mystical deaths and suicides, of which doctors are the victims.

In Russia, the first weekend in May brought a record number of new coronavirus cases: the number of infected people steadily increased for four days, Business Insider writes. On Sunday, May 3 alone, more than 10,000 new cases were registered, which, according to President Vladimir Putin, was 1,000 more than on Saturday. With rapid growth, the country is becoming one of the epicenters of the pandemic. With a total of almost 135,000 infected (of which about 1,300 died), Russia is the seventh poorest country in the world and is now in a much worse position than China or Iran, which were very poor at the start of the epidemic. More than half of those infected live in Moscow.

Daily growth has relatively stabilized, but we cannot rest, the situation is still very serious, Putin assessed the situation. “We are not yet at the top, we have a difficult new stage ahead, the death threat from the virus still exists.” The president’s speech could even be seen as an admission that something was wrong, since at first it seemed that the Russian authorities were controlling the spread of the pathogen. In contrast, the situation has deteriorated dramatically in recent weeks.

Horrible health care

This is shown by comparison: In early April, 2,777 known coronavirus infections were recorded in Russia, compared to 220,000 in the United States. On May 3, the latter country had 1.16 million, while the Russians had 134 thousand, the proportion of the two jumped from 1.2 percent to 11 percent. This is undoubtedly due to the fact that the Russian health system is failing the exam. In late April, for example, there were reports that ambulances in Moscow were waiting hours to discharge patients from hospitals.

An ambulance driver reported waiting 15 hours in front of the hospital. Doctors complain about the poor conditions of health workers and believe that the government is hiding the true extent of the epidemic. Anastasia Vasilyeva, director of the medical union, revealed in a video that authorities often cite coronavirus diseases as pneumonia, adding to the confusion. He also spoke about the lack of adequate information and equipment. Authorities deny the allegations.

Personal tragedies

An ambulance doctor, Alexander Sulepov, fell out of the window on the second floor of a hospital in Voronezh after a macaque complained that his bosses were being forced to work despite his serious illness, an article in the newspaper revealed. Moscow Times. He is the third doctor to suffer an accident of this type, the other two involved have died from his injuries, he is still being treated with skull fractures.

The 37-year-old doctor and his colleagues filmed on April 22 when the main doctor sent them to work even though the Sulepov coronavirus test was positive. A few days later, another video appeared showing that he and his colleague had been accused of spreading “false news” for which they could be sentenced to five years in prison under current rules. Police are investigating the Sulepov accident.
