Such a pandemic does not end with vaccination, said the infectologist.


The infectious disease expert from the Hungarian Medical Chamber will surely be vaccinated with one of the approved vaccines. However, Prinz Gyula emphasizes that despite the dumping of vaccines, the epidemic will not end in one fell swoop, and even a third wave is expected if the rules are relaxed.

Mounted on the public’s mood in the dumping of vaccines, the Hungarian government announces that we will overcome the epidemic with the arrival of vaccines, but the medical expert interviewed by will cool the mood.

A pandemic of this magnitude does not end with vaccination, says infectologist Gyula Prinz, emphasizing that the pandemic will be controlled if 60-70 percent of the population has antibodies, but the SARS-Covid-2 virus is still unpredictable, according to the experts. – will circulate in humanity.

According to the expert, the short-term benefit of the vaccine will definitely be that it will allow us to return to a more normal life and reduce the burden on medical care. However, he cautions that we cannot dispose of the mask with a safe and well-working vaccine.

The process of eradicating the epidemic is also slow because a vaccination strategy will be required with the arrival of the vaccine (s). In the first phase, the opportunity should be given to health workers, the vaccination line begins with them at home, and then in the second phase, those who live in the social home and their carers. They can be followed by the elderly over 65, who have a risk factor: it describes a desirable order for Gyula Prinz, who agrees that workers (police, garbage trucks) who are essential in local care should also be cared for in advance. I would also think that it would be correct to assess before mass vaccination who has already been infected and has antibodies because it is worth putting them at the end of the line.

Several surveys have been conducted on the willingness to vaccinate, the most recent published by the Publicus Institute, according to which the acceptance of coronavirus vaccines among Hungarians, which will be available in the near future, is only 20-36 per hundred. It also turned out that Hungarians are less confident in Russian and Chinese vaccines (20-21 percent) and would prefer to be vaccinated with drugs developed in the United States and Europe (31-36 percent).

However, according to Gyula Prinz, these opinion polls can yield fraudulent results, because it does not matter what information about the epidemic and vaccines is available at the time of the survey, which affects the opinion and attitudes of the population. That is why communication between decision makers is important: if it is argued that the curfew and other restrictive measures, as well as the high mortality rate, can be alleviated and controlled with mass vaccination, it is likely that more people will vote in favor. of vaccination than today. He also said it was important for healthcare workers to advocate for the vaccine, building confidence. He says there are still a lot of questions to be answered and a lot can be subtracted from the information dump, but the vaccine being sealed by drug regulatory authorities, whether in Europe or the United States, can be blindly trusted.

According to Prinz, even in the optimal scenario, it is expected that in summer or autumn it will be time to vaccinate not only those at risk but also young people, and if we allow restrictive measures and make the rules more flexible with a low level of contagion, without vaccine, then we can expect an intense third wave – writes
