Stronger measures have been introduced in Sweden than ever


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Sweden has taken tougher measures than ever to curb the coronavirus epidemic, writes the MTI. However, the measures still seem very lax in all other European countries. They limit the number of people who can be in gyms, swimming pools, shops at the same time, they close non-vital public institutions, groups of up to four people can be together in restaurants, and the use of masks is only recommended.

“We are doing what we have done so far during the pandemic, taking the right measures at the right time. And so it is (a measure) now,” Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said when the restrictions were introduced.

Sweden has previously introduced relatively looser restrictions in fighting the epidemic, which has been questioned by many. Across the country, the country’s leadership has focused on recommendations and individual responsibility rather than mandatory mask use and quarantine, so schools, stores and restaurants, for example, could be kept open.

The second wave, on the other hand, was quite severe in the country, so tightening seemed inevitable. Prime Minister Stefan Löfven announced on Friday that gyms, libraries and swimming pools, among others, will be closed before January 24. He added that the government now recommends wearing a mask on public transportation during peak hours.

In Sweden, with a population of 10.3 million, some 367,000 people have been registered since the outbreak, of whom nearly 8,000 have died from complications from Covid-19.

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