Storms, windstorms, hail – plan for hazards


An alarm was also issued, an orange warning.

Monday In addition to the clouds that change often, there can be sporadic showers and thunderstorms starting in the late morning and heavy thunderstorms on the eastern border in the afternoon. Winds from the south and southwest are intensifying over a large area, increasing in some places to storms. There may also be stormy wind gusts in the vicinity of stronger storms. The daytime temperature is expected to be between 20 and 28 degrees, it will be cooler in the west and warmer in the southeast. In the late afternoon, the air cools down to 12, 18 degrees, Kiderü writes.

At dawn, the National Weather Service issued a first-level alert and a national alert of the risk of thunderstorms.

In affected areas of the constantly changing map, winds can intensify and hail can occur. Meanwhile, the OMSZ also issued a warning to the entire country, in the counties of Békés and Csongrád-Csanád the alarm level is second instance (orange).

It has been written that from noon gusts of over 60 km / h can occur in the western, northwestern part of the country, regardless of storms.

During the day, thunderstorms can occur in some places in the southwest, gradually moving toward the northeast. Thunderstorms can be accompanied by winds of over 70-80 km / h, heavy rain, and possibly hail.

In the east and southeast in the afternoon there may be another wave of thunderstorms, even severe thunderstorms, in these areas there may be wind gusts of 80-100 km / h and larger ice.

Featured Image: Norbert Farkas /
