Stork for ATV: I’m not afraid of jail


He was just released from the police. György Gődény on Saturday, after a semi-blocked book dedication, he gave an interview to ATV News at the Pole Center. He claimed that he had not committed any crime. He also spoke about detectives from the National Bureau of Investigation who showed up at the apartment on Friday morning: Police confiscated his computer, laptop, and cell phone.

They were suspected of spreading rumors, which is not true anyway.

– György Gődény said, insisting that he only divulges medical facts based on scientific research. The police noted that he had complained of the suspicion and released him.

He had his book presentation at the Pole Center on Saturday, but security guards stopped him. Calling himself a skeptic of the virus, Gődény was eventually forced to dedicate himself in the hallway.

I have never denied the virus in my life, I am not a virus denier

– He stated, stating that in his opinion he had never encouraged anyone to violate the regulations, he had only published several scientific results. He also added that he warned from the beginning of the virus that the vulnerable population must be cared for.

György Gődény affirmed that together with his colleagues they do not relativize the virus, but rather fight for dialogue:

There are alternative information sets, scientific studies, research results that do not support the procedures, measurements, limitations that we live by.

He maintains that the virus does not cause as many problems as “the size of an alarm bell.” According to Gődény, the restrictions hamper people’s existence and livelihoods. In the interview, he said that he did not encourage anyone not to wear a mask, but felt it was his professional duty to inform people on how to use them. However, he stated that, to his knowledge, there is a series of investigations that do not justify the protective effect of masks.

Gődény stated that he was not afraid of jail, since in his opinion he had done nothing. And three other doctors underwent a procedure similar to yours: József Tamasi, Alfréd Pócs, and Gábor Lenkei It may also be responsible for the horror. In September, the MOK parted ways with both Gődény and Pócs and Tamas.
