State news calculated that the Hungarian defense was successful


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Referring to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), the state television news reporter claims that “the Hungarian defense remains among the best” against the coronavirus epidemic. This is based on the fact that we are both below the EU average in terms of the number of people infected and killed.

This arises when the spring wave is taken into account. Thus, the Hungarian defense may be “still” among the best, if we compare it in part with the situation in Spain or Italy in April.

“The second wave is not over yet, so we can only withdraw the balance later.”-added before the report, in which former Secretary of State Anikó Nagy, director of the Heim Pál Hospital, talks about the important air purification equipment they received from the non-profit organization Országos Charity Hunting Kft.

Earlier, Minister Gergely Gulyás also tried to demonstrate the success of the Hungarian defense with the aggregated data, in addition, he spoke specifically about the results of the second wave.

If we really look at the current situation, we get a completely different picture. The number of daily deaths, which according to the government is the most important indicator, has been ahead of the European Union since mid-September, and the scissors are widening. (Daily death rates are the average of the previous seven days.)

In the same comparison, only in the Czech Republic and Romania is the situation significantly worse than in Hungary. By comparison, on Friday, Viktor Orbán also said that more people die in Germany than in Hungary.

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