Starting Friday night, there will be stricter restrictions in much of Spain.


As of Friday night, stricter epidemiological restrictions will be imposed in the Spanish capital and nine neighboring cities, despite the fact that the Autonomous Government of the Province of Madrid has presented a ministerial decree on the matter.

Enrique Ruiz Escudero placeholder image, the region’s health advisor said at a press conference that the restrictions will take effect from 10 at night in cities in the province with at least five hundred coronavirus infections per 100,000 inhabitants, more than 10 percent of the tests will be positive and the saturation of the intensive care unit will exceed 35 percent.

The affected cities are Madrid, Alcalá de Henares, Alcobendas, Alcorcón, Fuenlabrada, Getafe, Leganés, Torrejón de Ardoz, Móstoles and Parla. A total of about 4.8 million people live in its area, or about 72 percent of the province’s population.

You can enter or leave the cities listed for specific reasons only, such as work, education, health care. Commercial and catering units can accommodate customers and guests up to half their capacity, and can operate with reduced opening hours.

The introduction of a restriction on free movement must always be approved by a court, so until this happens, the authorities will only report during inspections, but will not sanction.

Enrique Ruiz Escudero drew attention to a series of contradictions in the ministerial decree that imposes restrictions. For example, the international airport and train stations in the capital are not subject to restrictions, so you can travel from abroad without any problem.

He added that in recent months, the central government has been repeatedly asked to tighten controls at the airport, so far to no avail.

Enrique Lopez, the judicial adviser of the provincial government apologized to the Madriders for the uncertainty and “chaos” that had developed in recent days, and stressed that if they had passed, they would have been given a temporary deadline to introduce the restrictions.

The central government “interfered with the powers of the province,” he said. He reported that on Friday an appeal was filed with the competent central criminal court against the legislation that imposes the restrictions, requesting their suspension.

He stressed that the region’s leadership considers the provision null and void because it was not adopted by consensus by the interprovincial council, but until the court clarifies the situation, “they cannot do anything” other than obey the law.

The politician explained that the regional government considers the partial epidemiological restrictions introduced a week and a half more effective than the general provisions of the central government, which, in addition, cause significant damage to the region’s economy.

Both councilors asked the Madriders to respect current regulations regardless of the circumstances.

The Spanish Central Socialist Government and the Conservative Autonomous Government of Madrid agreed on September 21 to create a joint epidemiological working group to find a solution in an area with pending cases compared to other regions of the country.

After the central government did not consider the measures adopted by the local leadership sufficiently strict and effective, it proposed the application of uniform epidemiological criteria in cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants.

The proposal was supported by 13 of the 17 provinces and two former North African slaves, one abstained and five rejected at Wednesday’s meeting of the Interprovincial Health Council. According to the Community of Madrid, the internal regulations of the City Council make decision-making by consensus and therefore legally invalid.

The adopted provision currently affects only the Community of Madrid. According to data from the Ministry, forty percent of the cases registered in the country are filtered here.
