The Fehérvár journalist was 57 years old.

Ernő Klecska, journalist, died Fejér County Newspaper was editor of a newspaper and publicist well known in Székesfehérvár – writes Media1.

Klecska worked for twenty years in Fejér County Newspaperuntil 2016. He dealt mainly with financial matters. For his work in presenting the county’s economic conditions, he received the Press Award from the Fejér County Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2002, and in 2016 he was recognized with the Free Press Award.

Klecská was fired four years after an attempt was made to link his name to the hacked interview with Viktor Orbán. Klecska sued Mediaworks, the newspaper’s publisher, for what happened. The court later decided definitively that the publicist had been illegally fired by Fejér County Newspaperbecause it was not part of what happened, so he was awarded compensation.

A Media1 according to Ernő Klecska from 2017 to Fehérvár Kukac He was editor-in-chief of the news and opinion portal and worked as a teacher at Athens High School in Budapest.

The press worker died at the age of 57.

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Stunned Orbán interview: Mediaworks lost a lawsuit
At home

Mediaworks Hungary Zrt., Owned by Lőrinc Mészáros, also lost a lawsuit against two publishers fired over Orbán’s hacked interview.

A New World Is Coming At Mediaworks, County Newspaper Readers May Be Gearing Up

The transformation of the Mediaworks staff is in full swing. It is already visible: the pro-government voice could be strengthened in the largest newspaper publisher in the country.