In the case of Andrea Bocskor, Fidesz MEP from Transcarpathia, her party expects solidarity and support from the European Parliament.

The Fidesz-KDNP Group in the European Parliament (EP) wrote a letter to David Sassoli, chair of the panel, about the inclusion of Fidesz MEP Andrea Bocskor on the website of the Ukrainian nationalist organization Mirotvorec, listing “enemies of Ukraine”.

In a statement sent to the MTI on Sunday, the faction expressed outrage and concern over the open and tough threat from Andrea Bocskor. According to the announcement, Tamás Deutsch, the leader of the political group, also drew the attention of President Sassoli to the fact that Andrea Bocskor, as a Hungarian from Transcarpathia, also represents the Hungarian minorities living in Ukraine and often talks about legal restrictions. that affect them.

He mentioned as an example that the deputy described the recent case of political pressure and intimidation of minority organizations, when the Security Service of Ukraine (SZBU) launched serious attacks against the Hungarian Transcarpathian Cultural Association (KMKSZ) and its leader. against Hungarian organizations.

The delegation asked David Sassoli, on behalf of the EP, to express his solidarity with the contested MP and call on the Ukrainian authorities to prevent any threat, incitement or hatred against MEPs and members of the Hungarian community in Ukraine.

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The key may be the country’s membership in NATO.

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He asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ukraine in Budapest after István Grezsa was not authorized on the territory of the neighboring state.