The profession was recently notified of the plan and since then Miklós Kásler has protested against the unprofessional decision.

The government plans to establish more than 1,000 psychiatric, neurological and neurosurgical centers. The Gyula Nyírő National Institute of Psychiatry and Addictions, the Béla Gálfi Healing and Rehabilitation Center in Pomáz and the National Institute of Clinical Neuroscience would merge, writes

According to the newspaper, the draft was released to the Hungarian profession in recent days, and the protest letter was sent to Minister Emmi Kásler on Friday. According to the presidency of the Hungarian Psychiatric Association and representatives of other professional bodies, the transformation would negatively affect the development of the psychiatric and addictive professions, and the care and centralization of patients is considered unreasonable and professionally unjustified.

It is considered particularly problematic to combine neurosurgery, addiction and neurology separate from psychiatry in a single institution.

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