The Hungarian champions went 5-1 at the Camp Nou in the first game of the Champions group stage.

Ferencváros had a great opportunity for the first time, Tokmac scored the home goal in the 10th minute, but was vigilant.

In the 26th minute, Messi fought a penalty, Kovacevic withdrew his foot. Although Dibusz moved in the right direction, the Argentine sold the penalty. 1-0.

In the 42nd minute, Ansu Fati came through the middle and almost increased his team’s lead, but the shot went wide. 2-0.

In the 52nd minute, Coutinho was left alone and shot flat bottom.

Piqué pushed Tokmac through the area in the 68th minute: the visitors received a penalty and the Catalan was sent off with a red card. The penalty was sold by Haratin.

The local team also scored ten goals through Pedri in the 82nd minute. Dembélé received a great ball from the rookie Barça player, who was left alone by Fradi’s defenders.

In the 89th minute, Dembelé also took Dibusz’s goal after Messi’s pass.

You can read the detailed coverage of the match here.

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