It may depend on negotiations between UEFA and the Hungarian authorities if the match will take place.

The German Kicker said that the final of the European Super Cup was again in danger. The match, originally scheduled to take place in Porto on August 12, has been postponed and transferred to the Puskás Arena in Budapest, but due to the closure at the Hungarian border on Tuesday, it is doubtful that the players of German Bayern Munich and Sevilla Spanish can enter the country on September 24.

Based on the government’s decision, players will surely enter. UEFA, the main European football organization, is now discussing with the Hungarian government whether their fans can watch the match on the spot. According to the plans, the number of drokers, 20 thousand people corresponding to 30 percent of its capacity, could enter the stadium, including 3-3 thousand fans of the two guards. UEFA wants the Budapest match to be a kind of test: if the organizers and the measures in place are put to the test, the spectators can start to return to the stands.

The international federation is cooperating with the competent Hungarian authorities in everything, and they have indicated that they will not put the health of the fans at risk. the Indexhas managed to reach the Hungarian Football Federation, whose spokesperson, Jenő Sipos, has confirmed that negotiations have started between UEFA and the Hungarian government, and according to the current position, the match will be played in front of the spectators.

Gergely Gulyás said earlier in the government information on Friday about the arrival of Bayern and Sevilla fans that they could only cheer for the teams with two negative tests and transport them from the airport to the stadium and then to Ferihegy immediately after the match. Since then, János Szlávik, chief physician at South Pest Central Hospital, has stated that

it’s a bit steep to celebrate the Super Cup final

Under current regulations, foreign athletes who attend a national sporting event may register if they can submit two negative tests in Hungarian or English from the previous 5 days, with a maximum deviation of 48 hours. A negative test, of no more than three days, is sufficient for the UEFA participation protocol; the regulations for athletes also consider it valid. Based on this, the real danger can only be the entry of foreign fans, and the question is, if they can participate in the match, how will it be possible to reduce personal contact in the common areas of the stadium.

Every year, the winners of the two biggest European cups, the Champions League and the Europa League, meet in the final of this year’s European Football Super Cup, Bayern Munich and Sevilla.

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According to the chief doctor, although more and more people are infected, there are not many patients.

European Super Cup: 20,000 spectators could be at the Puskás Arena in September

UEFA can test its new system in the Budapest match.

The detailed rules of the border blockade have been reached, commuters can travel in a 30-kilometer lane

It will be easier for athletes, especially footballers, to enter the country than for anyone else, according to the rules that go into effect on Tuesday. You can walk without problems even if you have already contracted the virus.

Foreign fans can attend the Super Cup final in Budapest


They can use a third of the auditorium of the Puskás Arena, so there will be about 20,000 in the match. This also examines the impact of restrictions.