The Hungarian team played for the group victory in the Nations League, and with a good game, defeating the Turks 2-0, they reached the A-League, and at the same time they earned a chance for qualifying for the championship. world.

In September, the League of Nations began by beating Turkey to the surprise of the Hungarian away team; now, in the last game, we received the Turks in Budapest, and there was even the possibility of winning the group. The math is simple: the Serbia-Russia match also started at 20:45, if the Hungarian team scores more points than the Russian team, it will be the winner of the group.

Group victory is important in three ways beyond prestige. On the one hand, the current top-seeded can play in the A-League in the 2022 Nations League, which also offers an easier path to qualification for the 2024 European Championship. There will also be more chances of a qualifier for the 2024 World Cup 2022 with the current group victory.

Marco Rossi changed six places in the starting lineup compared to starting against the Serbs. The two starting teams looked like this:

Hungary: Dibusz – Ant, Lang, Attila Szalai – Nego, Sigér, Ádám Nagy, Squid, Fiola – Nikolics, Book

Turkey: Günük – Sangare, Demiral, Ozan Kabak, Erkin – Tufan, Tekdemir – Can Kahveci, Calhanoglu, Karaman – Tosun

We had to wait until minute 5 for the first dangerous moment, then the Turks got a free kick almost 30 meters from our goal, which is not very clear why it was a free kick, but Dibus had no serious problems shooting at Calhanoglu. The first shot reached the Hungarian goal in the 9th minute: after a bad pass from Kalmár, Hangya still managed to get the ball out, shot by Nikolics, but in the lap of the Turkish goalkeeper. Not long after, he fired a slightly more dangerous shot from Kalmár 23, but it went a bit too far.

Meanwhile, however, in our group’s second match, Serbia took the lead, so we jumped to the top of the group.

If there hadn’t been a lot at stake, we could have said that the next few minutes were boring, Kalmár’s two successive corners, and then some Hungarian defensive uncertainty, it was just an event, but the teams were more careful then. We could have gotten into a more dangerous situation in the 23rd minute, but Nego stepped on the ball at 16 and fell.


A minute later, Book was one step behind the Nego administration, although it could have been a great situation. At the same time, the Serbian team also shot their second goal against the Russians, so the 0-0 already looked much better.

In the 28th minute, Caliboglu’s shot was defended by Dibusz, while the Turks complained that Sigér had dealt but didn’t have much to base on. In these minutes, the Turks pushed harder, the Hungarian team relied on contractions. In the 31st minute, after a good pass from Szalai, Nikolics had to be saved from the Turkish defense. In the 39th minute, Karaman pushed the ball into an almost dangerous position, but ultimately threw the ball so weakly that Dibus only had to crouch down to receive it. Serbia also scored their third goal, more and more we just had to pay attention to our own match from here.


The Turks could have reached their best position in the 40th minute, but Tufan broke the ball with a terrible play a few meters from the goal. The Turkish team seemed more dangerous, but the Hungarian defense remained very stable. The Serbs also scored their fourth goal and we scored without a goal at half-time, which would be a group win.

After the half, Könyves and Kalmár did not return to the field, Kevin Varga and Cseri took their place. The Hungarian team started stronger than they closed the first half, then we couldn’t see any Turkish situation, not too big Hungarians, but our national team became more active. Then in the 54th minute, after Szalai’s mistake, he had to improve with a big block on Tosun’s shot, and then Tufal shot into the sky. The Turks took the initiative again, but to no avail.

And we took the lead in the 57th minute! Varga’s shot was pushed upward by the goalkeeper, but Kabak fired the ball at Sigérre instead of saving, who bounced off the goal. 1-0.

For a few minutes after the goal, it seemed that we were catching the Turks, and finally the image of the match soon returned to the old days: the Turks attacked, the Hungarian defense put the game to zero, we did not have to be nervous. Another Hungarian change took place: Team captain Nikolics was replaced by Gyurcsó, and shortly after, Holender replaced Ant. By then we just had to record for the sake of minutes, but the Serbs were already 5-0.

As we progressed into the final twenty minutes of the match, the situation got better and better: the Turkish team would have to take a major turn to score two goals. The Hungarian defense was very confident in the mud, and with the fact that the Turks were forced to attack even more aggressively, every now and then a dangerous Hungarian attack could come. Although Dibus had to defend a few times, we could have more confidence in the victory of the Hungarian group minute by minute.

And the defense brought against the increasingly nervous Turks had to be brought in. Even in five-minute extra time, we only had to get excited when Fiola had to block after an error by Botka, who rode as a substitute, but that Turkish goal also seemed like an opportunity only sometimes, and not twice at all. In minute 94 came a counterattack. After the Turkish corners, Varga started, ran about 80 meters with the ball and then scored the second Hungarian goal. 2-0!

This was the end result, for which Hungary won their group. In the Nations League 2022, you can play in League A between the national team, 16 of the strongest teams in Europe, and you have a good chance of trying to compete in the 2022 World Cup and the 2024 World Cup in the qualifiers. even if the playoffs would not be successful.

This is how the World Cup qualifiers are formed

In addition to the ten runners-up from European teams in next year’s World Cup qualifiers, the top two Nations League group winners will not be the first or second group in the World Cup matches. These 12 teams will be divided into three legs, each with a semi-final and thus three participants from the European qualifying World Cup.

The top four A-League group winners in the Nations League are France, Spain, Belgium and Italy, by implication these are the top four group winners. The B-League group winners did the following:

Wales 16 pont
Austria 12 points
Czech Republic 12 points
Hungary 11 points

That is, by winning our group, we will have to cheer on at least 6 of the 7 teams ahead of us next year in order to advance to one of the top two places in their group next year in the World Cup qualifiers. .

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