The Szeged national handball player spoke about his coronavirus infection.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

At the moment, she does not know when she can return to the field, said Bence Bánhidi, a handball player for the MOL-Pick Szeged national team who is facing the coronavirus infection, said she is fighting against the coronavirus infection.

I did a positive test on Monday and unfortunately I am not asymptomatic but positive symptomatic “

– wrote on his community page for the January European Championship and the previous team from the Champions League season was also selected.

He added that he never would have thought that this virus could bring down a 130-pound man in one day.

I had nothing wrong with Sunday, but by Monday afternoon I was already struggling with weakness, headaches and cough, I had a fever at night and all of that has not changed in recent days. I don’t feel any taste of today “

Bánhidi detailed Thursday.

The athlete hopes to overcome the disease soon and return to the track, but he still does not see when. On the one hand, because the virus can have complications, and on the other hand, because you will still have to undergo many tests after it produces two negative tests.

Bánhidi recalled that they could have a successful preparation behind them, and the group round of the Champions League would have started for them on Thursday.

MOL-Pick Szeged announced on Monday that five of its players had been infected with the corona virus. No names were given, and Bánhidi was the first to confirm that he, too, was among the sick.

The Szeged team’s first BL match – the home game against Paris Saint-Germain – and the league match against Eger scheduled for Saturday have been postponed, the fate of their next matches is still uncertain.

The National Institute of Sports Health (OSEI) issued a resolution on Wednesday on the return of athletes infected by the coronavirus. According to the document, a number of circulatory, respiratory, and central nervous system complications are known in the context of the disease (can occur in about 40 percent of patients, details here), so athletes are advised to “Stop.”

According to sports doctors, in the case of an asymptomatic positive test, physical preservation is recommended for 2-4 weeks, that is, sports should be interrupted.

In case the infected athlete has symptoms, the situation is different, he cannot train for 4-6 weeks. A cardiac examination is recommended 2-3 weeks after the last symptomatic day. If the tests do not indicate an acute cardiovascular abnormality, they can gradually begin exercising.

According to the resolution, the sports medicine competition license will be automatically suspended in the event of a positive test result, and once the quarantine and rest period is over, the process of obtaining a competition license must be restarted at the sports doctor .

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Five coronaviruses found in the Szeged handball team


The Champions League match against PSG also had to be postponed.

The entire Szeged handball team was quarantined.

There will be no training or game for a while.