“Sousa made a mistake! Hungarian defenders attacked Lewandowski! “


There were basically two opinions in the Polish press after the Hungary-Poland World Cup qualifying match, which ended 3-3. One is that the guests’ debut federal captain, Paulo Sousa, made a mistake in putting together the starting lineup, which, however, was offset by large substitutions in the second half. In relation to the Hungarian team, they write about a surprisingly aggressive defense.

The Polish press also noted: Lewandowski was not released by the Hungarian defenders even when he was lying on the ground (Photo: Attila Török)

“Paulo Sousa admitted that he was wrong” Published the article evaluating the match with the title. sport.pl.


Sport.pl starts immediately with: we started looking for differences in the January race Compared with Jerzy Brzęczek’s team, to determine whether Zbigniew Boniek (President of the Polish Association – ed.) Made the right decision with the change, he appointed Paulo Sousa as Federal Captain.

“For an hour, we watched the same Polish team as before: there were boring, predictable and even individual mistakes. By sending Kamil Glik to defense at 0-2 in Paulo Sousa, he admitted his mistake and companion Kamil Józwiak Krzysztof And Piatek’s double soon tied. After that, however, the madness resumed. The 3–3 are fair, but the Hungarians are probably more dissatisfied as they also led 2–0 and 3–2. “

TO przegladsportowy.pl he has also evaluated the performance of individual players and the new federal captain, Paulo Sousa. On a scale of ten, Kamil Józwiak, who also scored the best scorer and one goal in seven substitutions, was followed by Robert Lewandowski, who scored the third Polish hit, with six.

“For eighty minutes, it was not our captain’s game,” they wrote about Lewandowski. – Hungarian defenders pounced on him, leaving no room for him, holding his hand, often even on the ground (as before the second goal), even with an elbow. But he did not give up and in the end he equaled what should be appreciated ”, says the Polish sports newspaper, which also evaluated Paulo Sousa in text.

“He created a team that nobody expected, especially Michal Helik was a surprise. After the break, when replacing the rookie player, he admitted that he had made a mistake, but showed substitutions that could change the image of the game, which shows that he has a smile. – was written in relation to the Portuguese coach, who received a rating of five on average.

The weakest rating, by the way, went to two defenders, Helik and Jan Bednarek, triple-triple.

By the way, the paper points out in its report that, despite the mistakes, the team managed to score an important point.

One of the players from the Polish national team who attended the 2006 World Cup spoke about the match., Grzegorz Rasiak, who spoke quite critically about the performance of his national team in Budapest.

“The result is definitely disappointing. Lost points can still be a big problem Said the former striker. – We scheduled seven points for March, but for that we would have to win now at Wembley. I am concerned about our defense, we have to stop the rivals within sixteen, especially in the third goal we scored, it seemed that we had problems in this area, but the first two goals were also preceded by individual errors. The Hungarian team surprised us with a very high defense, the defenders did not let us play ball. Paulo Sousa also had two bad decisions in the starting lineup, but he demonstrated his ability to make crucial changes as the game progressed. He risked sending a third forward to Piatek in addition to Lewandowski and Milik, but the draw came, as he replaced Helik, which was a mistake to put in the team, as was the inclusion of Sebastian Szymanski on the right.

Another issue is that Sousa hardly agrees with Rasiak, because the Portuguese federal captain of the Poles spoke after the game that the game of the Hungarian team did not surprise him.

TO fakt.pl established as a substitute, he can also score goals and assists in one minute Kamil Jozwiakot Longer quotes after the game.

“Our coach asked me to take charge of the duel. Originally I would have aimed the ball to Grzegorz Krychowiak with my goal pass, but then it was in front of Piatek, while I had no difficulties with the goal, Piotr Zielinski did a great job, he was only facing the goalkeeper. It was a crazy game, we are not happy because there were no signs that we could score goals so easily. It is a pity that we did not win, but we can also consider this point valuable. It is difficult to say why the game developed like this, everyone has to think about what they made a mistake. “ Said the second-class English winger from Derby County.

By the way, Fakt gave the title of the match: “Crazy game in Budapest”.

Budapest, Puskás Arena, behind closed doors. V: Brych (German)
HUNGARY: Gulácsi – Fiola, Orbán, Szalai A. – Lovrencsics G. (Nego, 66.), Nagy Á., Kleinheisler, Kalmár Zs. (Sigér, 81.), Ant (Lang, 66.) – Szalai Á., Sallai R (Varga K., 72.). Federal Captain: Marco Rossi
Szczesny – Bereszynski, Bednarek, Helik (Glik, 58), Reca (Rybus, 79) – Szymanski (Józwiak, 59), Krychowiak, Moder (Piatek, 59), Zielinski – Lewandowski, Milik (Grosicki, 84).). Federal Captain: Paulo Sousa
Gólszerző: Sallai R. (6.), Szalai Á. (53.), Orbán (78.), resp. Piatek (60º), Józwiak (61º), Lewandowski (82º)
Issued: Vial (90 + 3.)

In the rest of the group on Thursday
Andorra-Albania 0-1 (Lenjani 41.)
Anglia – San Marino 5–0 (Ward-Prowse 14., Calvert-Lewin 21., 53., Sterling 31., Watkins 83.)

