Something interesting about the history of mankind was discovered by a group of finds found in a cave: Terrace


Some five thousand years earlier than previously thought, 41-38 thousand years ago, modern man reached the westernmost part of Europe, according to an international research group.

A team led by Professor Jonathan Haws of the University of Louisville found this finding in a study in the Journal of the American Academy of Sciences, PNAS, based on a study of modern human devices found in Lapa do Picareiro, a cave near the Atlantic. central in central Portugal.

Their discovery supports the theory that modern man rapidly dispersed from Eurasia to Western Europe within a few thousand years after his first appearance in Southeast Europe. scientific-educational news portal. The tools found in the cave date from a period when scientists had previously assumed the presence of Neanderthal man.

The Picareiro cave has been excavated for 25 years by anthropologists and archaeologists who have discovered that it has been in the possession of man for about 50,000 years. Researchers from the University of North Carolina, the University of the Algarve and the Autonomous University of Lisbon have uncovered rich archaeological finds, including stone tools, thousands of animal bones from hunting, killing animals and cooking.

Researchers from the University of Bologna and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig have determined the age of the arrival of the first modern humans and the occupation of the area by Neanderthals. The latter can be dated to about 45-42 thousand years ago, modern man arrived there 41-38 thousand years ago.

The illustration of the highlighted image. Source: Getty Images.

Melting permafrost in Siberia reveals more and more interesting things

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