So what do you do about that virus? The government has expanded free parking


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  • A photojournalist was admitted to the Hungarian crown classes.
  • According to Gulyás, it was a wise decision to base epidemiological control on the national consultation.
  • Free parking is definitely available until January 11.
  • The Chinese vaccine is 86 percent effective, according to the United Arab Emirates.

At the beginning of our daily corona newsletter, there are usually charts on which to follow the development of the epidemic. On Thursday, however, it is not the graphic that is the most important visual content on the coronavirus epidemic in Hungary, but the photos, as the MTI photographer was admitted to the Szent János and Szent László hospitals. Thus, for the first time in the second wave of the epidemic, a photojournalist was admitted to a Hungarian hospital to treat covid. So today, in an unusual way, the newsletter begins with a photo instead of a graphic:

Protective physicians visit the intensive care unit for coronavirus infected patients at St. John’s HospitalPhoto: Zoltán Balogh / MTI / MTVA

The other images can be seen here.

According to operational staff on Thursday morning, 171 coronavirus infections have died in Hungary in the last 24 hours, and the number of recorded infections has risen from 5,415 to 265,003. 7,869 coronavirus patients are being hospitalized, a slight decrease from Tuesday’s peak. In a fan, also after a slight decrease, there are 645.

The operational staff still do not reveal how many of them are in the intensive care unit, only once a week when we request information from the government on Thursday. According to the recently published data, there are 996 intensive coronavirus infections, three times more than last Thursday. According to the latest figures, there are 543 people in the Czech Republic with a similar population, 632 in Austria and 662 in Belgium.

Even if the government is not so happy to provide data of public interest, the control of the epidemic is well managed: on Thursday, the validity of the key measure that establishes the success of the management of the world-famous Hungarian epidemic, that is , free parking, was extended by a month. The point of free parking, by the way, is that the government is depriving local governments of revenue and, from a health point of view, the increase in air pollution is more harmful than usable.

However, there will be no major New Year’s Eve parties, as the government has expanded the other protection measures in another decree. The rules that will apply to Christmas will be decided on December 21.

“We consider it to be a very successful strategy,” said Gergely Gulyás, minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office, about the fact that the government had based its defense on the corona virus on a national consultation. According to Gulyás, this was a good decision because only a defense that people support can be successful. The minister also spoke about the vaccination registry, the government said it was a needs assessment, but the registry would also play a role when vaccines are administered. Exactly what role he will play has not been revealed.

“There were no market conditions in this situation,” Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said at his annual hearing before Parliament’s Foreign Relations Committee on why certain epidemiological protection equipment bought by the government in recent months was more expensive than price. market.

Due to the epidemic, the Gyula Nyírő National Institute of Psychiatry and Addictions will be temporarily closed to treat coronavirus patients in the institute’s wards.

Business advocacy and professional organizations would stop the senior shopping lane during the Advent period to reduce congestion at stores. The government is consulting on this.

Third wave

According to the European Medicines Agency, BioNTech and Pfizer COVID license documents also had access to hackers who attacked the agency’s servers. According to BioNTech, this does not slow down the development process.

Qubit wrote in detail about how good the coronavirus vaccine will be for a good deal and how much anyone who has bought shares of the vaccine maker can earn.

Japan may regret that free parking was not introduced in time: the third wave of the coronavirus epidemic has reached the country.

The number of daily deaths associated with the coronavirus in the United States exceeded the number of victims of the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001.

Test results for Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinopharm, a coronavirus vaccine, show 86 percent efficacy and no serious safety risks, according to test results from the UAE. Despite the good result, neither Sinopharm nor the UAE Ministry of Health have yet released the detailed results of the test, which involved 31,000 people.

The Philippines, Malaysia, and many African countries are already showing great interest in the Chinese vaccine.

2020 was an extraordinary year. The coronavirus epidemic and the deepening economic crisis that followed put us to the test, and the government has also used this dire crisis to further strengthen its already unprecedented power.

However, thanks to the readers, the 444 not only survived, it was able to grow stronger. Five new hires have arrived, five new blogs, regular podcasts have started, the second Macro has been completed, our new newsletters are prepared on a weekly and daily basis, and not by the way: our traffic has also increased.

In order for the newspaper to continue to operate and expand within a stable and predictable framework, we will launch a new system in 2021. There will be exclusive articles, newsletters and many other benefits.

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