So many doctors and nurses lose their attention that Győr hospital can get into trouble


The number of patients is much higher than in the spring, and intensive care doctors drop out of care, while the number of intensive care units for coronavirus patients should be increased significantly, said János Tamás László, chief physician at the Hospital Educativo del Petz Aladár County in Győr.

While the number of inpatients in the hospital was a third, sometimes 25 percent, lower in the spring and outpatient care was adequate, so they had free capacities, now an epidemiological care system must function fully operation – appointment of the doctor HírCity of Gy ofr granted an interview.

There are currently six intensive care beds available for coronavirus patients, but the number of beds should increase to thirty in a few days. In the Covid ward, the occupancy rate is 60 percent, in addition to caring for coronavirus patients, 150 patients go to the emergency department every day and 150 to 180 to the hospital’s epidemiology outpatient clinic, he added .

According to the chief doctor, this requires very serious forces and considers it probable that “there will come a time when we must stop. According to him, this moment could come very soon: the weekend or the beginning of next week.

This is not only due to the increasing number of patients, but also to the fact that doctors and nurses are constantly dropping out of care due to infections.

Asked if there are enough doctors next to the intensive care units, the director general said that it would be necessary to group 15-17 intensive care specialists and 70-80 intensive care nurses in Győr, with this number the 30 units could operate intensive care.
