Sniper defends János Áder


He is protected by one of the best snipers in Hungary. János Áder The President of the Republic and his family in the presidential guard of the Republican Police, Blikk wrote. In the article Like Roland said specialist has 15 years of experience, he can throw a ping pong ball from up to two hundred meters.

To paper Sándor Pomozi The colonel, the unit commander, said: “It doesn’t hurt to know that there is also such a man on the team, as it discourages anyone who tries. Rather, he is looking for another destination. “” According to the colonel, in most cases, a sniper is not needed in the team because the people protected fear an attack, but because they are able to analyze a place and a situation with a look completely different.

The sniper said that it was his killer’s job to find the hole in the shield, and that they were responsible for keeping the shield in the correct direction at all times. “Before a public event, we mainly inspect the places suitable for murder. The handles are placed in different positions to secure these places. Detailed site plans and photos are made, and we get to know every inch of the area where the protected person will move. These are the last landmarks, even a trash can, whose knowledge of distance can serve as a landmark before someone pulls the trigger. “

He added that the person of the President of the Republic is not provocative, he lives an impeccable life in all aspects, but they always do their job with all their strength.
