Slovakia will stop the country immediately: a curfew will come into force


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According to the report, Health Minister Marek Krajčí (OĽaNO) highlighted at a press conference on Thursday night that the epidemic curve in Slovakia is a near perfect copy of that of the Czechs, where authorities are already considering a touch of It remains national. The head of the ministry said:

The situation in Slovakia has gotten out of hand. If we do nothing, there will be 3,500 people infected with coronavirus in our hospitals.

There are currently 731 people hospitalized for the virus and he pointed out that the number of infected has increased from 269 to 359 per 100,000 inhabitants per day. The reproduction rate of the virus is currently between 1.25 and 1.45. The number of infected people increases at a rate of five to ten percent per day, so the number of infected people can double within 7 to 14 days.

For all this, Prime Minister Igor Matovic announced the national curfew as of Saturday, although he acknowledged that

It is a softer version of the closure of the country.

According to him, epidemiologists have recommended a complete shutdown of the country, but the core crisis team finally decided to introduce a softer version by conducting two national tests as originally planned, October 30 and November 1 and November 6 and November 8th. Between.

Therefore, before testing begins, a nationwide curfew will begin, which means the following. People cannot leave their homes except:

  • between one and five in the morning.
  • if you are going to have a coronavirus test.
  • if you go shopping at the nearest store, pharmacy or medical exam.
  • cares for a close relative or is responsible for animals.
  • walk an animal within 100 meters of your residence.
  • attend a funeral.
  • go to work or go home from there.
  • take your child to school.
  • goes to the post office, bank, auto repair shop or refueling.
  • he walks in nature, but only within his own walk.

At the same time, from October 26 to November 27, with the exception of kindergartens, kindergartens and lower grades of primary schools, schools will move to distance education.

In the regions most affected by the epidemic, such as Námestó, Turdossini, Alsókubini and Bártfa Stricter rules will apply than above. and there will already be a test test this weekend, the results of which will be evaluated by the crisis team on Monday.

Then, the following weekends, the entire population of the country will be tested. Yesterday we wrote a full article about this and its possible advantages and disadvantages:

The situation in the other Visegrád countries deteriorated dramatically today, as we reported in detail in today’s news stream:

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