Slavik: It’s a risky attempt to celebrate the final of the Budapest Super Cup


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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ATV was interviewed by János Szlávik, head of infection at South Pest Central Hospital.

According to Slavik, the direct consequence of “loosening epidemiological discipline” is the sharp increase in the number of cases in recent days: apparently fewer people wear masks, many family events, parties, sporting events, weddings.

The infectologist explained that in addition to closing the borders, it would also be important to attract people’s attention: a mask would have to be worn in many more places.

“We see that they don’t wear a mask even where they used to.”

Slavik said, emphasizing that a person who does not become seriously ill can also transmit the virus. “Schools are about to start, young people can meet teachers, older people,” he said, “much more care must be taken” not to infect them in case of asymptomatic transmission.

According to Slavik, the role of individual responsibility will increase in the next period: “I see the prevention of the epidemic in the thinking of the people much more than in the tests,” he said.

“We must not make the epidemic spread too lazily. Everybody is thinking a bit now about where we are now, how many patients there are, why there are so many patients that we need to behave in social spaces. Let’s try to postpone the events in which there is a possibility that asymptomatic infected people infect others. “

Asked by the presenter whether the UEFA Super Cup final to be held in Budapest at the end of September is not such an event, Slavik said that he considered it a “risky attempt” for the organizers to allow fans to participate in this event. sports. While this can be an important test of how well epidemiological safety standards work in a massive event like a soccer game, the big question is how well fans adhere to those rules, he said.

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