Slavic: the test creates false security, Christmas should be as small as possible


A TV2 Mocha I was a guest at Dr. János Slavik chief infectologist at South Pest Central Hospital, who was asked if a relaxation of epidemiological measures is expected for the festive period.

The chief doctor resigned, we must stick to the current state of the epidemic, that is, “we should have Christmas in as little company as possible, and that is our family.” According to the expert, to speak of unnecessary staff numbers, that those who live together spend the holidays together, this year they should be allowed to visit the rural kinship.

Our child, who is experiencing the disease asymptomatically, or ourselves, may be at great risk, since we know very well that 80% of the disease is asymptomatic or has mild symptoms.

– said János Szlávik, who emphasized the question: the less we celebrate together, the better. And with young children, great care must be taken.

János Slavik also heard that many people want to make sure with preliminary tests. According to him, this can reduce the danger, but it cannot be completely eliminated. “I cannot say that it does not reduce risk because it reduces it. These tests, the rapid tests, are positive for five to six days. “

I can lift this window out of the danger of infection and stay with me for a day or two. There is a day or two before the test and let’s be positive, say, tomorrow. And then tomorrow sadly I can already infect


The expert emphasized that the test creates false security: “But hey, I’m negative on Friday, I can safely visit everyone from Saturday to Sunday or Tuesday.” He stressed that this is not so simple as it means that we cannot meet anyone during this period.

According to János Slavik, the current figures do not justify the introduction of any “crazy” austerity in the next period. The situation is already different in Germany, where they are now “getting closer” because their numbers are very bad.
