Slavic: no major epidemic is expected in 1-2 weeks, the price of the vaccine may be several thousand guilders


In an interview recorded by, János Szlávik said: This test method only predicts between 1 and 2 weeks, but it works very effectively and based on this, a major epidemic is not expected in that time period. He stressed that the spread of the epidemic in Hungary was still low in Europe, but that the trend should be taken into account and that 90% of new infections come from young people who, unlike older people, lead an active social life., go to the community, to schools, to institutions, thus strengthening the spread of the epidemic. Russian epidemiologist Beatrix also spoke about the same risk in a presentation yesterday:

The number of Hungarian infections and other data published this morning can be read here:

Regarding the start of classes and today’s measures, he said that Compliance with protocol is important, every effort should be made to ensure that students are not infected. To this end, he said as an example: more disinfectants should be used, try to leave the children in separate classrooms at the entrance. Smaller classes need to be created, more distances need to be kept, all of which will help prevent the development of a more serious epidemic. It indicates that it is a problem for children to contract the infection because in many cases it is transmitted asymptomatically and is transmitted.

The above theory is that so heat inhibits, destroys coronavirus, can be clearly refuted according to him, because according to the data, it seems that the virus is not affected by temperature. In the context of the upcoming flu season in the Northern Hemisphere, he advises everyone to especially those in the riskiest age groups should get vaccinated, because this will make it easier to determine if someone has symptoms of the coronavirus.

The initial symptoms of the two diseases, fever, cough, muscle and joint pain, are very similar.

He pointed.

When asked if vaccination against the coronavirus could be mandatory in Hungary, he replied as follows:

Vaccination is not mandatory for influenza either, I think it will not be against the coronavirus either.

At the same time, he expressed his hope that the majority of society will not listen to or get vaccinated against anti-vaccination and conspiracy theories. He recalled that there are already vaccines against 20 diseases and hopefully the coronavirus will be included soon.

Slavik described the order in which the Hungarian population could be vaccinated with the vaccine (first health and law enforcement workers, populations at risk, then others) and also stated a potential price for vaccination, but it is not known if this is free for the population. will be or not. He said:

According to preliminary calculations, if it were available now, the price would be between one thousand and five thousand florins, which is not a very large amount, even if it has to be administered twice.

He added that 80 percent of vaccines must be repeated in the short term, although we do not know anything about the long-term effects, and soon the first results on this issue will be in spring at the earliest.

Cover image source: MTI / Attila Kovács
