Slav – At this rate, we achieve herd immunity very slowly.


If the vaccine reaches the country at the current rate, we will achieve herd immunity very slowly, he said. János Slavik in the ATV Start program.

The chief infectious disease physician at South Pest Central Hospital further added that 40 to 40 percent of those who would be vaccinated and not vaccinated today are 40 to 40 percent. However, vaccination against the coronavirus would not be mandatory, as it says it should be done for viruses that may disappear from the face of the earth. In contrast, the coronavirus, like the influenza virus, spreads through the respiratory tract and is constantly changing.

He also said that the first coronavirus vaccine provides 75 to 80 percent protection and the second 95 protects against infection with 100 percent effectiveness, but 100 percent protects against a person who becomes seriously ill or dies at cause of infection.

Kiriakosz Micotakisz The Greek Prime Minister’s proposal for a vaccination passport Slavik commented that some countries may require proof of vaccination before entry, but if vaccination is high in European countries, it will not make sense.
