Six cities may have more coronavirus infected


According to another study by the National Center for Public Health, the amount of hereditary material of the new coronavirus in wastewater has increased again in several settlements. The study is important because it can predict the rise of an epidemic wave even before the appearance of a large number of cases showing clinical symptoms.

In week 39, an increasing trend was observed in samples from seven wastewater treatment plants, so that

Several patients are expected in Békéscsaba, Székesfehérvár, Szombathely, Pécs and Eger, as well as in the northern, southern and central areas of Budapest.

The increase in concentration detected in the wastewater precedes the increase in the number of symptomatic diseases by 4 to 10 days.

As it was written, the coronavirus does not infect with water or sewage, but the examination of sewage allows to monitor its spread in larger communities, even entire settlements.

The NNK indicated that the results of its wastewater inspections and the increased number of positive cases also indicate that discipline and compliance with epidemiological rules are very important.

In recent weeks, the National Center for Public Health has also taken samples from settlements belonging to the capital agglomeration (Tököl, Biatorbágy, Szigetszentmiklós, Budakeszi, Százhalombatta).

The government epidemiology portal, again describing the NNK research, drew attention to the fact that:

  • If you have any symptoms, do not go to the community, stay at home and notify your GP by phone!
  • Everyone avoid places where there are many inside!
  • If possible, keep social distance where it is not possible, wear a mask there! Also in shops, on public transport.
  • Wash your hands often and thoroughly!
  • Anyone who has been ordered to go into official home quarantine for a stay abroad or for any other reason must strictly comply.

Compliance with these will prevent the spread of infection and the introduction of additional measures that restrict daily life.

Featured image: Balázs Ivándi-Szabó /

Békéscsaba, Székesfehérvár, Szombathely, Pécs, Eger, Budapest
