Singer Zoltán Kátai died


Zoltán Kátai, a singer and performer for the Kossuth Awards and Hungarian Heritage, passed away on Friday.

Zoltán Kátai died on Friday at the age of 66. His partner, Andrea Kovács, announced in their community on Friday the death of the singer who won the Kossuth Prize and the Hungarian Heritage Prize.

Singer and composer Zoltán Kátai at the Kossuth and Széchenyi Awards and the Hungarian Order of Merit Awards ceremony in Parliament in 2019Source: MTI / Attila Kovács

Zoltán Kátai was born on November 3, 1954 in Mosonmagyaróvár. As a child, he learned to play the piano, then attended the singing department at the Szombathely Teacher Training School. He learned to play guitar, kobzo, bagpipe, lanton, fidula (string instrument of Central Asian origin), bread whistle in a self-taught way; his double bass was taught by Dániel Hamar, a member of the ensemble of musicians. He traveled the world as a singer-musician with the Mákvirág folk music ensemble between 1983 and 1994, played with József Dinnyés, András Kecskés, Tamás Kobzos Kiss, and later performed independent programs. He mainly sang compositions by historical Renaissance poets and singers. He has performed at international and national folk music and history festivals, literary evenings, military tradition preservation events, national and sacred festivals, and has provided useful aid in the teaching of music, literature and history through his extraordinary classes in schools.

His first record Musician Erato followed by medieval Hungarian historical songs History Magyar selection. THE Kátai – Chronicle his audiobook was illustrated by Marcell Jankovics. Recorded by Wathay Ferenc Singing bookon this basis, the József Elindula … – Songs from Advent to Epiphany In his album he gave a sample of the singing musical traditions associated with the celebration of Christmas. Containing military items At battle points, bleed, wound … from the psalms of Miklós Bogáti Fazakas and János Thordai Praise the Lord … album was released in 2018. He received the Artisjus Prize for his art in 2005, the Tinódi-lant in 2006, the Mediawave Prize for Parallel Culture in 2014, and the Hungarian Silver Cross of Merit in 2016. The Kossuth Prize was awarded in 2019 as an exemplary and authentic career of decades-long historical singers, which strengthened the sense of belonging and national consciousness of the Hungarians of the Carpathian Basin by promoting ancient Hungarian music and literature and the experiential interpretation of the ancient Hungarian chronicles.
