Simplify administration for citizens and businesses


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The new legislation will not only help reduce the burden on businessmen and citizens, but with the entry into force of the Sanctions Law, the administration will encourage voluntary compliance by citizens and businesses, rather than fining them, they wrote. They added that an important element of the red tape reduction package are changes to reduce administrative burdens, which will allow citizens and businesses to use electronic services as widely as possible online, including from home, given the situation of the epidemic. Applications can now be submitted to 449 government offices using an electronic form, so you can now request a baby or child care rate online.

It was emphasized that to improve the competitiveness of the economy, the administrative burden on sole proprietors and businesses will also be reduced. For example, the administration required to open and close a bank account of a business or a company will be simplified, since from 2021 it will not be necessary to visit the tax authority, the chamber of commerce and the secretary separately. For similar reasons, sole proprietors will have the opportunity to apply for registration with the Chamber at the same time as the commencement of sole proprietorship is announced in NAV.

It will be easier for property buyers to facilitate the registration of a mortgage. It will be easier for builders to abolish the procedure for the extension of official building permits and for the extension period that can be started until now to be included in the scope of the basic permit. This will allow 4 years to begin construction and another 6 years to complete it, they wrote.

At the national level, the National Commerce Registry System (OKNYIR) was established by integrating thousands of public level public registries at the settlement level: ten types of commerce and service providers. As a result, citizens can learn more quickly and efficiently about each business and service provider, their public data (including the location of the store, the opening hours, the range of products sold).

Uniform, transparent and consistent sanctions for administrative infractions will also be achieved thanks to the Sanctions Law, which will take effect on January 1, and the amendment of 88 additional related laws.

The new customer-friendly regulations also represent a change in attitude in the public administration, since the objective of the sanction is to promote voluntary compliance by citizens and companies, thus avoiding infractions. To this end, in most cases, the authority issues a warning to anyone who commits an administrative offense for the first time in a year.

Graduality is also an important principle, so an administrative fine is imposed only in a moderate amount if the client has not been subject to this sanction by any authority within 3 years. Exceptions to this include breaches of legislation that endanger human life, physical integrity or the environment, as well as breaches of legislation to protect minors; in such cases, the authority will continue to act more strictly. For the sake of phasing out, a register will be created containing the perpetrators of administrative offenses and sanctions imposed by the authorities, the prime minister said in a statement.

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