Sifok demonstrated the Hungarian vlogat kzilabdzkat


From Nyrtl, Tth Gabriella and Kiss Nikolett will continue to play in the Sifok lineup. The two Hungarian players signed an agreement with the Balaton-shore club.

In 2014, Tth Gabriella was indebted to the Hungarian company, in which she has acted 94 times so far. The two-time Hungarian champion and BL winning player also joined the Kisvrda app in 2017 for a short time before signing. Nikolett Kiss was able to owe the national team in 2018 under the leadership of Kim Rasmussen. The company first replaced the transfer in December 2016, whose contract expired in Gyr. Then he got it, and from there he moved to Sifok, the Sifok website said.

Tth Gabriella can be a great strength for the Sifok teamForrs: Picture-Alliance / AFP / Marco Wolf

“We are very grateful to have been able to recruit two young and talented players. Both belong to the Hungarian framework, I think we have a lot of potential. The kzilabd of Hungarian women will also play an important role. Gabriella is a tough player with a unique shooting technique. Despite his young age, he is a true leader. Versatile that will fit perfectly into the style we want to represent. In the person of Nikolett, we managed to get one of the most talented Hungarian right-wingers. It also works well in long distance and defense. Both players are extremely ambitious and motivated, I think they will be able to develop a lot in the coming years and Sifok KC will have great value, “Bent Dahl asked the players for confirmation.
