“Shit, junk secrets” – this is how former Fidesz secret minister Ervin Demeter attacked his Fidesz rival who moved from Transylvania.


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A XXI. He delivered by far the most entertaining speech in the history of Hungarian politics in the 21st century. One of the most boring figures in the history of Hungarian politics in the 19th century in a theoretically super boring event, even in August this year, results from a recent Transparent article.

Minister of National Economy Mihály Varga in an electric kart at the delivery of the phase of the 1st phase of Avalon Park on June 12, 2015 in Miskolctapolca. Behind him, Ákos Kriza, Mayor of Miskolc (b), and Demeter Ervin Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Government Commissioner (b2). Photo: János Vajda / MTI

Our hero, Demeter Ervin, started out as MDF and then transferred to Fidesz. Minister without portfolio supervision services. And since 2011, he has headed the BAZ County Government Office.

At the ceremony of this government office held on August 20 at the National Theater in Miskolc, of course, he also gave a speech, which is not the most exciting speech situation imaginable. But in a moment, Demeter was able to surprise everyone present.

He started talking about having a dream. Not just any dream, but “bad taste.” Well, our man confesses that he dreamed that a “counterinterested secret service” would seek “to strip him of his position and put his own man in his place.” What kind of secret service? In his dream, Demeter saw first the letters St to be placed in SZ, then the letters “ECURITAR”. So what comes out of adding EC as ECURITATE to as S? At this point, Demeter stopped the honor and continued:

“In my dream, I came to my head and the shitty eyes of secret alliterating expressions emerged from it. Then due to turning the other way or the hissing of a mosquito, I don’t know exactly anymore, but I woke up. The dream receded, but the bad feeling remained. (…) Was it just a bad dream or a premonition of a future event? “


The Transparent article explains as a background that Demeter was notoriously and for a long time bad with Ákos Kriza, the former mayor of Fidesz de Miskolc and his former chief of staff, who almost became his successor. After the crisis, Fidesz nominated the mayor’s former employer, Zoltán Alakszai, for the position, but he was eliminated in the last municipal elections. In the city, meanwhile, there has long been a rumor that the government is preparing to replace Demeter, to appoint Alaksai, a man from Kriza, to head the county government office in his place.

So in August, Demeter may have been afraid of being replaced and Kriza’s painting would arrive. But how did the fucking secession get here? Moving from Transylvania to Kriza, he made a career out of Miskolc, where his opponents, especially those within his party, began to feel jealous and even take hold of him out of jealousy for allegedly not trusting the locals and repatriating Hungarians from Transylvania. Of course, there was never any actual evidence that Kriza or anyone else in his circle was a Romanian secret service agent.

Demeter’s astonishing speech turned out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy, as the dirty-mouthed conservative was effectively removed on September 10 and replaced by Alakas. Whoever is a nice round story is not born in Transylvania, but in Miskolc.

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see
