Several hospitals in Budapest have announced a ban on visits.


It is not possible to visit patients from Tuesday in the capital

  • St. Imre University Hospital, the
  • In the center of north-central Buda (St. John Hospital), the
  • New Hospital and Clinic Szent István, a
  • South-Pest Central Hospital – National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases, and the
  • At the Bajcsy-Zsilinkszky Hospital and Clinic.

Given the epidemiological situation, in order to protect the health of workers and patients, the prohibition of visits to the St. Roch Hospital in Baja in all inpatient wards. Visits to patients were also prohibited Bács-Kiskun County Training Hospital at the Kiskunfélegyháza site.

Among the Komárom Esztergom County Hospitals In Esztergom and Dorog imposed a visiting ban to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. In Komárom It is not possible to visit the inpatient wards from Monday, and there is an ongoing ban on visiting the Santa Barbara Hospital and the Tata ward in Tatabánya from March.

A visiting ban has come into force the Markusovszky Hospital in Szombathelyin addition, it covers all the sites and departments of the hospital. Parcel delivery and contact rights are reportedly guaranteed everywhere. The seriously ill and minors, as well as their parents, can be visited by a direct relative or, at the request of the patient, by a professional from a church or religious association who performs a religious ceremony, in accordance with hygiene standards.

We write about the travel bans that have been enforced in recent days here:

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