sensational victory, Valter Attila took it all! –


The final stage of the Hungarian circuit was a dream success in all respects, with a great Hungarian squad: Valter Attila, who rolled in front of a large audience all the way, left the field standing in the blue corridor as written in the general book hence the complex, the mountain points race and the Hungarian competition. he also won, totally deserved!


Attila Valter won the compound (Photo: Zoltán)

If someone were to ask you why a bike race is good, it would be enough to show you the final leg of the Tour de Hongrie on Wednesday, ad absurdum, to take you along the route so you can experience the experience up close. After all, it is real after all.

Because without blowing offensive platitudes, the final stage included all the beauties of sport, all the things that make road cycling sporty. And in the end, the point was on me, not anyway!

In Miskolc, for example, which this time shone as the starting town – where, by the way, the field of 109 people started in front of the two icons, Alberto Contador and Ivan Basso – public transport was made free for the day, and the people of the city withdrew for a time. as a man he also went out to look at the roads, to cheer. You could see people smiling on the road, children screaming with excitement, pensioners looking curiously out the windows, loopers hanging from the school-kindergarten fences – and that could be said of the entire route.

Whoever could, stood up to cheer, looked for the Hungarian flag, more or less – where even the mayor was printing with the people – a lady from Eger joined the audience with a similar veil in front of the hairdresser. However, we wrote a simple Wednesday, and the weather was not the best either … In a word, during the preparations, and during the fleeting one or two minutes, while the caravan of a thousand, with the introduction of the police cars with intermittent sirens to the grateful armies of children, it was a nice feeling. She lacked joy, unity, and a positive attitude so many times in everyday life; for this little time, everyone forgot all their troubles and troubles at once. (Even if someone was not looking for something wrong with this, and the reason for the fuss is due to temporary closures, fortunately they were less, this can be inconvenient for a few hours a year, in exchange for showing our place of residence in our country to hundreds millions of people around the world (international television broadcasts, from which everyone can really benefit).

(Photo: Zoltán)

And from a ‘professional’ point of view, the royal tap between Miskolc and Kékestető was very successful, which would really have held its own in any major round.

Or he left with the black soup and the decision.

By the way, it was the longest stretch, 188 kilometers, and the total elevation was 3,259 meters; by comparison, the first mountain race of the Tour de France on Tuesday featured “just” 3,200m …

In Bükk, Hollóstető’s mountainous hair was top-notch (this was Jumbo’s mountainous fresco, Koen bouwman took it), a second category reached Mátraháza (this was the loner who escaped from Voralberg, Roland thalmann), so the greatest test of strength could come at the highest point in Hungary, the blue-headed top-notch finalist.

The strength of the Jumbo frame is demonstrated by the fact that Thalmann was approached by three more teammates, for a time it was all four leading the race, then the field came together and then completely separated for the brutal last three miles. Mitchelton-Scott launched a series of attacks (Barnabas Peák played the role of the aquifer that was honorably assigned to him all week), but Damien Howson fortunately very early, two and a half kilometers before the end, he tried the impossible. Luckily, as I did not know the mountain, Valter Atila But so much more!

700 meters before the end, the Hungarian CCC class did what everyone had secretly expected of him all week: he got off his chair like a demigod, played lightly, dodged Howson, who was by then completely exhausted of strength, and walked at an astonishing pace. the remaining five hundred. He, the Hungarian public too, was ecstatic, the field could have hit him with a stick, it seemed like he just couldn’t miss from here. He did it: it was a wonderful moment, after reaching the finish line, he fell on the neck of his fans celebrating in the ring, and then on the neck of his father, Tibor Valter, to whom he owes so much. With this 2005 and Tamás Lengyel became the first Hungarian winner on the Tour de Hongrie, and in addition to the complex, you can take home the red jersey for the King of the Mountains and the white jersey for the best Hungarian, fully deserved!

“It’s a sensational feeling, it’s hard to find the words … – He said Valter Atila. – My team was brilliant all week, I had almost nothing to do, they helped me now. On the last hill, I didn’t hear anything but “Hajra, Attila” so it couldn’t be missed: my legs were also in very good strength, and my heart, the fans, were moving forward! Before I left, I saw that Howson was no longer doing well in the corner, so I had nothing to look forward to. I have no idea where I got so much punch in the end, but I’m sure the audience helped a lot. I received a lot of support during the five days, my colleagues were already claiming that this competition was organized especially for me … “

Or all is well if the ending is good, and the Hungarian circuit, thank goodness, could not have ended better, by no means. Keep going.

The runner-up

5th, last section (Miskolc – Gyöngyös / Kékestető, 188 km):
1. Valter Attila (Hungarian, CCC) 4:35:15, 2. Simmons (American, Trek-Segafredo) 10 seconds behind, 3. Howson (Australian, Mitchelton-Scott) 12 seconds h.
The final result of the complex: 1. (with yellow jersey) VALTER ATTILA 18:45:55,
2. Quinn Simmons 12 sc., 3. Howson 16 sc.
The final result of the sprint points race: 1. (with green jersey) Jakub Mareczko (Italian, CCC) 90 points, 2. D. van der Poel (Netherlands, Alpecin-Fenix) 73, 3. Einhorn (Israel, Israel-Start Up Nation) 59.
The final result of the mountain points competition: 1. Valter Attila 21, 2. Lozano (Spanish, Novo Nordisk) 21, 3. Thalmann (Swiss, Voralberg-Santic) 18.
The final result of the Hungarian competition: 1. Valter Attila 4:35:15, 2. Dina Márton (Kometa-Xstra Cycling Team) 1:51 min h., 3. Kusztor Péter (Novo Nordisk) 3:22 p h.
The final result of the team competition: 1. Jumbo-Visma 56:20:24, 2. Israel-Start Up Nation 45 hr., 3. Mitchelton-Scott 1:46 hr.
