Selected: “Response to skeptics about book clicks”


Within the framework of the Hungary national soccer team, two players of Serbian origin, Nemanja Nikolics and Norbert Könyves, also played for Marco Rossi ‘s starting team in the Nations League match against Serbia. Both footballers were born in Vojvodina, where they got acquainted with the basics of football, and Nikolics and Könyves also aged the Zenta and Mohol settlements in a dignified way.

Norbert Könyves demonstrated to many in Belgrade (Photo: Miklós Szabó)


Widow joseph He has been following the former Yugoslav football, now Serbian, for decades: during his career as a player he defended the goal of the Yugoslav National Team B, then he became a coach, then secretary and administrator of Zenta Football Club, so he saw both players play several times .

“Nemanja Nikolics started his career at Zenta, and even then everyone saw that he was a fucking striker interested in scoring: wherever he gets the ball, he immediately heads for the goal. He had a purpose, he had a big heart, and he immediately seemed to stand out from his teammates. His mentality is great, he lives like a sportsman, so we can still expect good seasons from him if he avoids injuries ”. Said Widow Nikolics, then spoke about the top scorer for Sunday’s game.

Widow joseph

“Contador played Zenta on the Moholi team and thanks to his physical abilities, he was already outstanding at the time. We could see a strong and fast player, and not by chance, when he got into a situation, he also sold. He was eleven years old when he joined Zenta, but the next day he called us to continue choosing Topolya, which of course we did not pass any obstacles. They are two different types of footballers who have taken advantage of their talent and mentality ”. – continued Özvegy, who said that the players made a good decision when choosing Hungary.

“For others, the conditions are much better, both infrastructure and financially. The case of Dániel Farkas is interesting, who confirmed from Zenta to Spartak in Subotica, even though he was also called by the Paks. It was even invented in Subotica, but then it ended up in Hungary, and Mezőkövesd did very well, because he’s a hard-working boy who, if he goes there, doesn’t grow weed there. “ Said the Widow.

When asked how much Book and Nikolic could have prevailed in Serbian football in the long run, he replied:

“Good question. Farkas was also the captain of the Subotica team, which means he prevailed at some level, but it’s very difficult to say how long Nikolics and Könyves could have reached, for example.” Added the Widow, who subtly pointed out that it would have been very difficult for a team to join, as the attackers of the Serbian team come from the main European leagues.

Seventeen goals in one match

“You have to know that he was never satisfied, he always wanted more, so it could happen that he scored seventeen times and fourteen goals at the same time in an age group match.” Said Norbert Könyves, a good friend from his childhood, with whom he started playing soccer one day and they played together for years, and not just incidentally, he was also a primary and secondary scholar. Kiss norbert Currently, the longtime AFK Football Club coach in Ada, at the request of National Sports, also spoke about the fact that he and his teammates remember the phrases Könyves told them before a game.

Kiss Norbert (left)

“I remember exactly when he told us before the game that ‘no guys, until I have five goals today, there is no stopping.’ Said Kiss, who sees the ZTE striker grow even more determined with age.

“It seems to me that now he is the most mature, as someone who has calmed down, he knows exactly what he wants to achieve and what he must do to achieve it. I was already very proud to be invited to the national team because I thought I had a place in the national team. Kiss said.

The good old friend also talked about why he doesn’t watch his Book matches in company.

“I always watch only because before, when I was still in company, once they took me a red card and once a half goal. fired to Fradi, and as I am a great Fradist, I have decided that it will be better for everyone if I am only in the room ”.

The current aim of the Book, like many of the Hungarians in Vojvodina, was not noticed in silence and sitting …

“The neighbor also came from the other apartment to ask what the problem was. I’ll be honest, I don’t know when I was last so happy in my life for a goal. The fact that he managed to score his first national team goal against the Serbian team in Serbia was, I think, a quick response to everyone who had previously described him and thought that he would not hold his own in Serbian football. “ Kiss said, then talked about the goals Book had set for himself.

“I know she had another great wish that she could have given up halfway through. This is a certificate abroad, that is, to take another level He passed. At thirty-one you may not think about this anymore, but the invitation to the national team and the goal against the Serbs can open the doors for you. I am sure he will continue to have the opportunity to play for the national team in the future, and even show it again against Russia. The other goal is the title of Hungarian goal king, who is going to drive very hard this year. “

After Bácska de Moholi, Könyves strengthened Topolya’s team, and from there he signed a contract with Hungary, MTK. Accompanied the entire process Szabolcs Palágyi, the current CEO of Topolyai Sport Club, who said that the forward was warned by János Zsemberi, president of TSC, because Bácska was in the same category as Bajsa, Topolya subsidiary, and Könyves was the protagonist in the clashes of the two teams .

Szabolcs Palágyi

“It was hard for him to surrender to his waist, but he finally reached Topolya“Said Palágyi, who said that the forward gave the impression of a cheerful, militant boy, very blond, and continued to score in the TSC.

“He did his best in every workout. He was well aware that his strengths were his speed and his physique, and he always took advantage of them. With the debut of the national team and the goal, the work they have invested in football for decades has matured ”. Palágyi said.

The sporting leader also played a role in the certification of Topes Könyves to MTK.

“We have already contacted Baráti Bőrlabda FC and its leader, László Somodi. Somodi was then József Garami’s assistant at MTK, and through him we got in touch with the teacher, who invited the forward to a test match, which he managed several times in a League Cup match. This is how he came to MTK, I would add, to our delight, as Könyves from the Serbian class room immediately moved to the Hungarian NB I ”.


Belgrade, Rajko Mitics Stadium, behind closed doors. V: Schärer (Switzerland)
Serbia: Rajkovich – St. Mitrovich, Milenkovich, St. Pavlovich – Gachinovich (Vlahovich, 66), Gudelj, Tadic, Milivojevic (N. Lukic, during halftime), Mladenovic – Jovic, Lyajich (during halftime). Federal Captain: Ljubisa Tumbakovics
Hungary: Gulácsi – Botka, Lang, Szalai A. – Bese (Orbán, 56.), Kalmár, Á. Nagy, Rich (Schäfer, 77.), Ant (Holender, during the break) – Nikolics (Nego, 76.), Könyves (Szalai Á., 63.). Federal Captain: Marco Rossi
Gólszerző: Book (twentieth)


In another group match
Russia 1-1 Turkey (Anton Mirancsuk 28., sick Kenan Karaman 62.)

1. Russia 3 two one 7-4 +3 7
2. HUNGARY 3 two one 4-3 +1 6
3. Turkey 3 two one 1-2 -one two
4. Serbia 3 one two 1-4 -3 one

National sports reports on the venue: Bence Babják, István Kocsmár-Tóth (text), Tamás Nagy-Pál (video) and Miklós Szabó (Photo)
