Selected: Gulácsi is again the best, Könyves also has more than eight


Even after the success of the Hungary soccer team in Serbia, we encourage our readers to qualify. Péter Gulácsi received the best value for a long time, but of course Norbert Könyves, the scorer of the 1-0 success, also closed well.

Norbert Könyves made a great debut (Photo: Miklós Szabó)


Rate our performance against Serbia!

The voting is closed.

Rate our performance against Serbia!
Péter Gulácsi 8.1 (9751)
Norbert Book 8.01 (9751)
Zsolt Kalmar 7.75 (9751)
Willi Orbán 7.54 (9751)
Botka Endre 7.31 (9751)
Attila szalai 7.21 (9751)
Lang Adam 7.15 (9751)
Nikolics Nemanja 7.04 (9751)
Adam the Great 6.92 (9751)
Filip the dutch 6.47 (9751)
Barnabas Kiss 6.37 (9751)
Rich daniel 6.35 (9751)
Ant New Year 6.33 (9751)
Adam Szalai 5.61 (9751)
Number of votes: 9751
Thanks for your vote!

Total votes: 136514

Voting start: 2020. 10. 11

9749 votes were received for our convocation, and after the unexpected success, very good grades were born.

Our readers, like the party in Bulgaria, this time too Gulacsi Pedro considered the best, the number one goalkeeper of the Hungarian team received an average of 8.1.

Outside of that, he made his winning debut for the national team. Book Norberto rating rose above eight (8.01), the third grade of the imaginary podium is extremely active Squid Zsolt (7.75) would fit.

Willi Orbán Putting himself as a substitute he did a lot to close without a scored goal, in addition to the trio he also achieved an average above 7.5 (7.54) and seven out of seven finished.

He is the only one of us to take the field in minute 63 Adam Szalai it did not exceed six averages.


Belgrade, Rajko Mitics Stadium, behind closed doors. V: Schärer (Switzerland)
Serbia: Rajkovich – St. Mitrovich, Milenkovich, St. Pavlovich – Gachinovich (Vlahovich, 66), Gudelj, Tadic, Milivojevic (N. Lukic, during halftime), Mladenovic – Jovic, Lyajich (during halftime). Federal Captain: Ljubisa Tumbakovics
Hungary: Gulácsi – Botka, Lang, Szalai A. – Bese (Orbán, 56.), Kalmár, Á. Nagy, Rich (Schäfer, 77.), Ant (Holender, during the break) – Nikolics (Nego, 76.), Könyves (Szalai Á., 63.). Federal Captain: Marco Rossi
Gólszerző: Book (twentieth)


In another group match
Russia 1-1 Turkey (Anton Mirancsuk 28., sick Kenan Karaman 62.)

1. Russia 3 two one 7-4 +3 7
2. HUNGARY 3 two one 4-3 +1 6
3. Turkey 3 two one 1-2 -one two
4. Serbia 3 one two 1-4 -3 one

National sports reports on the venue: Bence Babják, István Kocsmár-Tóth (text), Tamás Nagy-Pál (video) and Miklós Szabó (Photo)
