Second wave of coronavirus threatens disaster, medical chamber says, urges immediate action


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The announcement from the Hungarian Medical Chamber reads as follows:

“Due to the explosive increase in the number of epidemiological cases in recent days, today we are writing to Ministers Miklós Kásler and Sándor Pintér.

In our deepest professional conviction, in light of the latest figures signaling the beginning of another wave of catastrophic threats, immediate and effective action by the Government is required. There are two main areas:

  • Reaffirmation of community prevention (promotion and control of the use of masks, mass events, suspension of sporting events, widespread population tests, active government presence and example in communication, energetic action against virus and epidemic deniers, local measures and not totals in high-risk areas and institutions)
  • Prepare the health system to deal effectively with the second wave of the epidemic

Realizing that economic interest cannot be completely subordinated to epidemiological considerations, we do not believe that the above measures can be postponed, and we ask for the help of our decision makers and the cooperation of the population. “

The Portfolio has addressed the problem of the escalation of the epidemic in several of its writings. Among other things, we highlight the importance of measures such as the above, the need to inform the public in total disintegration and the need to set an example, and the urgency of economic action:

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