Screener to Cambodia: Sorry


The experts spoke.

Telex saw on that the Cambodian Foreign Minister claims that his Hungarian expert has expressed deep regret and apologized for the difficulties he has caused.

Prak Sokhonn on his official Facebook page, he refers to the November 12 phone conversation that he had previously reported Péter Szijjártó It is also reported here in Hungary, as follows:

I spoke for the first time on the phone with my Cambodian colleague, my friend Prak Sokhonn. He conveyed his personal greetings to the Prime Minister and his message to heal as soon as possible … We agreed that it was repulsive and even unpleasant that some wanted to create tension between the two nations in the hope of some kind of political or media gain and have fun with those who contracted this disease.

As is known, Péter Szijjártó visited Cambodia last Monday, and the next day his test came back positive in Thailand.

Later, four people in Cambodia, including the Hungarian ambassador, had a coronavirus, but according to the Thai authorities, the Foreign Minister also infected a Hungarian diplomat in Bangkok (which, according to spokesman Tamás Menczer, cannot be say with such certainty).

More joyous interludes also peppered the recovery of the Foreign Minister. We report that during the week, the prime minister called Szijjártó by phone, and after indicating that he could remove his mask because the virus did not spread through a screen, he delighted his subordinate with the following, perhaps mind-boggling industrial sentence: voters receptive to public absurdity:

They say you have an industrial amount of virus in you.

Then, putting the pandemic in historical perspective, he said that:

You are very lucky to be young, because if you were over sixty, it might be necessary. From here it is clear what we are saying to the elderly, our parents, my father is already 80 years old for a day or two, what we are telling them is to take themselves seriously. In vain they survived the Second World War, comics, it is a disease that can take them away.

The conversation also had a literary / public cultural benefit, as Viktor Orbán Albert camussince To pestis suggested the classic Szijjártó to read. Furthermore, since yesterday morning, we also know that To pestis it came from Viktor Orbán to the consignee.

Featured Image: Péter Szijjártó and Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Cambodia at the Peace Palace in Phnom Penh on November 3, 2020

Photo: STR / AFP
