Schools can be focal points if even stores are better protected


While the government plans square meter restrictions in stores, an average school classroom is 40 square meters with 25 or even 35 children together, warns Tamás Totyik, vice president of the Teachers Union, who said it is not possible to maintain a safe distance in In classrooms, the use of a mask is also not mandatory on the ATV.

The government, instead, is determined to open schools: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in an interview on Wednesday that vaccinating teachers requires this so that parents can return to their jobs; According to the medical director Cecília Müller, there is no need to fear that the vaccination of teachers has started in vain if they have to return to the institutions on April 19, because although the time is short, teachers will continue to be protected after the first. vaccination.

“No more educators should be lost due to the coronavirus,” quotes Tamás Totyik, vice president of the channel’s PSZ, who said that this continues to be a great risk in small rooms, that a safe distance cannot be maintained and that it is not possible. cool. To date, at least 69 educators have died from the epidemic.

„2020. Since August 12, we have been proposing to the government the implementation of hybrid education, reducing by half the number of classes in the lower grades, although social distance is not respected, but this would greatly reduce the number of contacts, “he explained. . Union proposal that by law the square meter per student is less than for inmates in prisons.

According to the PDSZ, vaccination is going well, but there are still some people in professional training who have not been summoned.

A Parental Voice Community representative, György Miklós, said extensive testing could help reopen, but also noted that most parents have not yet been vaccinated and should not be forced to return. If students infect each other, they can bring the disease home with unvaccinated parents.

“Based on current infection data, we want a date to be announced when we know for sure that it is safe to go back to school,” György Miklós said.

When asked about ATV, the Ministry of Human Resources said that “schools have not been an epidemic so far, as the government has already implemented an appropriate set of health rules before the school year, which the institutions have disciplined to comply, we immediately order a digital work schedule or an extraordinary break. ”

“On epidemiological issues, the position of epidemiology specialists is followed by the Government, not by the educators’ unions that otherwise apparently (also) cover everything,” they concluded, addressing critical educators.
