Scherer Jzsef’s Dead Skin


Jzsef Scherer, a retired university professor, design artist from Nomi-djas, a full member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts (MMA), died on Saturday in the year 73 of the year, MMA announced Sunday.

“József Scherer was a versatile and diverse genre, designed, trained, educated and specialized in the field.Plyja was a member of several vocational and educational reform plans, and until the end of the decade was involved in one of the world’s most famous authors, the design and education work of Mercedes Benz. “ – You can read in MMA mltats.

József Scherer was planted on July 14, 1947 in Klesden. Graduated from Kpz s High School of Applied Arts with a degree in graphics. From 1966 to 1970 he was a student at the Hungarian College of Industrial Sciences, his teachers were: Andrs Dzsa Farkas, Nmeth Aladr, Gerzson, for example. won.
He studied in Japan several times and learned about the latest trends in industrial design at conferences. Since 1977 he studied at the Hungarian University of Applied Sciences in Fiskoln, and since 2005 at the Moholy-Nagy University of Arts.

Scherer JzsefHungarian Academy of Arts

He was head of the Industrial Design Department for eight years, from 1978 to 1983 he was head of the Tools and Industrial Design Department, and in 1984 he was head of the Industrial Design Department.
In 1985 Andrs Mengyn joined the Fund Institute (in which he participated in the organization from 1982), where he was Deputy Director of the Institute from 1985 to 1990, then was appointed Director from 1990 to 2000, and Vice-Rector of Education from 1996 to 2000..From 1983 to 2000, he was professor of basic design and creative design at Alapkpz Intzet, in 1997 he received the title of Master of Education (Mag. Habil.), And in the same year he was appointed university professor. From 2000 to 2006, he was the designated head of the Design Department, and from 2002 to 2010 he was the designated head of the Design Department’s jrm design team. From 2010 to 2017, he was head of the MA level jrm design department in the Design Department of the MOME Design Institute, and from 2017 he was professor emeritus at the university.
He participated in the development and modification of many educational programs and educational organization. Since 1988 he organized murders for his students, in 1993 he organized an International Sculpture Symposium with Bill Fitzgibbon, and in 1995 Forbo cmmel organized a marble floor. In 1994, he introduced the Hungarian Industrial Fiskol in Japan.He also carried out public activities:The results of contemporary home design have been published in several foreign magazines.Between 1998 and 2002, he was president of Szchenyi.

Photo of a 1965 scooter design by Jzsef SchererSource: MTI / Balaton Jzsef

After graduating, he continuously worked as a freelance designer.
Among his many works, MMA notes that he created the IBUSZ image with his graphic work, M. Gyrgy M., through his school work, and that hotel porcelain and other porcelain decoration designs were completed during the award of the Zsolnay factory.He has shown his creative work on several occasions.He summed up his forty years in 2010 at the Klebelsberg Galri in Pesthidegkt in 2010.His wife Penkala and textile work were killed in 2017-2018 in Vigad Galri.
Creative and industrial design in 1995 with Jazz Farkas Andrs; In 1997 he was awarded the Ferenczy Nomi-dj.József Scherer considers that the cheese of the Hungarian Academy of Arts is dead.
