Sára Botond: There is no epidemiological emergency, so the data of the local epidemic cannot be disclosed


Despite breaking records in all the existing statistics across the country, the coronavirus epidemic, Sára Botond, head of the capital’s government office, says that defense data cannot be disclosed to metropolitan districts because there is no an epidemic emergency.

The XV led by the opposition. On October 13, the autonomous district government requested the assistance of the Public Health Department of the Government Office of the capital city of Budapest. Angéla Németh the mayor wrote Patrícia Kalmár to the District Medical Director to issue epidemiological data to the district for proper management of the pandemic situation.

The mayor asked, among others, to inform the municipality on a daily or weekly basis about the number of confirmed infections, the contact persons involved and the number of patients treated at the hospital.

The head of the government office sent a response to the district instead of the medical director. Sara botond, who was previously in the VIII. It was the mayor of Fidesz, who wrote in a letter dated Monday that the government decree regulating the emergency issued in March only allowed the transfer of data to local governments for the duration of the emergency. The emergency was lifted by the government on June 30 after the first wave subsided.

With the cessation of the emergency, the legal basis for the data transfer indicated above has also ceased, therefore, unfortunately, the Government Office of the capital city of Budapest is unable to accommodate your request.

– wrote Sára Botond, who recommended koronavirus.gov.hu, which provides data only at the national and county level, to the district leader for information.

The days turned out to be Maté Kocsis, the leader of the Fidesz parliamentary faction will not be an individual candidate in the 2022 parliamentary elections, but Sára Botond, who was below the municipal elections last year, will be able to run in Józsefváros.
