Saffron Emese also begins to feel the discomfort caused by pregnancy


He still enjoys this period.

The aerial gymnast’s social site is more like a maternity blog these days, reporting on her condition very frequently. Saffron Emese She is currently 25 weeks pregnant and due to her growing belly, she is now beginning to feel her limitations.

We can read a lot of books and articles before pregnancy, but until you fully understand what it really feels like to have a baby until you experience it yourself … although I don’t think it can be said really well even then … I’ve said it many times. However, it is still not so strange to experience that tying my shoes by myself or lifting the key off the floor is no longer so easy, let alone sleep, even though there are still 3.5 months left. Yet, along with these few minor “nasty” things, I say: I love being pregnant!

Emese Saffron wrote in her last post.
